Day Seven

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The door slid open while Billy was still out. The noise of it creaking upwards got him awake and he sat up, looking towards the light coming. He felt some panic flood his senses, wondering if they'd come by to sedate him again. He hadn't done anything wrong, he wasn't ready to go back again. He wasn't ready.

"I..." he croaked, clearing his throat. "I didn't... Please don't... Come closer..."

"Gentlemen, why is Mr Hargrove saying this?"

"Don't know, boss. Must've had a nightmare." He couldn't see their faces but he could hear the sneer in the man's voice, recoiling. He knew he should have reacted the opposite way, snarling, showing he was stronger but he wasn't. He felt weak and drained, physically and mentally esle ially after yesterday. Maybe it was time for another session. Or maybe he'd been cleared to leave early. Maybe thinking up maybes was a stupid idea and it was better to listen.

"How's the monster been treating you, Mr Hargrove?" They gripped his arms and dragged him up the stairs, ignoring his confused questioning. He wasn't sure what he was saying, honestly, but he heard the word "Steve" slip out and cursed himself.

"Your friend's up waiting for you. As well as someone else. It's time for your one week evaluation." This must have been the visitor they mentioned. He blinked, eyes adjusting to the natural light all about and locked eyes with his 'roomie'. Steve was wearing shorts and a tank top, looking like he'd been awoken as well. But that didn't make much sense since he always woke earlier than Billy did. Maybe he hadn't gotten a comfortable rest up there. He blamed himself for that. "Doctor Owens, here's the survivor. Present and accounted for."

"I can see that." He was a smallish man, a bit chubby and gave off a warm, fatherly kind of vibe when he smiled at Billy that made the latter uncomfortable. He roughly got out of their grip and faced the doctor, shoulders squared and arms folded. Steve scoffed and he glanced at him, his jaw further tensed when the brunette mocked his pose.

"Thought we weren't talking, Harrington."

"Well, we aren't. I'm just copying you cos you look stupid, tough guy," he said with a small laugh. In reply, Billy smirked at him.

"And you just spoke to me. Directly." Steve gritted his teeth and turned his gaze to the floor, awkwardly shifting a bit. Billy stared at him a bit longer and cleared his throat, turning to the doctor. "The hell do you want, Owens."

"Err... Billy Hargrove?"

"No, I'm Lady Diana. Some say we bare striking resemblance, actually." He glanced at Steve who couldn't help but smile a bit. Satisfied, he then turned back to the man in front of him. "Tell me, doc. What the fuck do you want?"

"Well, if it's alright with you, I wanted to know how things have been going since you came here. I'd like to hear from you all, actually. Would you like to start?"

"Nah. I think the science guys should go, first. I'm sure they'll make a compelling case." Billy was honestly just trying to prolong his time without a session. He would go last, after Steve. They both followed Doctor Owens together, already speaking over each other about their findings.

"How cute. The torture lovers get to share their findings. Happy for them both, really." He glanced at Steve, hoping for even the slightest smile but he got nothing. Instead, Steve was still shifting awkwardly and Billy was growing rather tired of it. Sure, he wanted Steve to stay away from him but he also didn't want to feel so alone. So having a boy that lived to talk be silent was rightly ticking him off. "Not gonna say anything, Harrington?"

"Did you... Sleep okay?" He knew Steve was talking about the nightmares and he elected to ignore it, glaring intensely at him.


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