Day Twenty

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Billy woke up and turned to the side, only to find Steve was gone. He wasn't surprised. He could already imagine Steve had rushed out of the room as fast and quiet as he possibly could to avoid him. They definitely needed to talk. The blonde found himself nervous about what a conversation would entail.

When Steve said he wanted to be more than friends, did he mean it? And what did he mean by it? The obvious answer was a genuine relationship but Billy cringed when his mind suggested perhaps Steve was talking about a closer brotherly bond. It felt like acid in the ears and he slammed his hands against both, shaking his head to block out the strange idea. Usually, he was a go-getter when it came to what he wanted. A question and answer was all it would take but this was different. This was Steve. And as a man who broke everything he touched, he knew he needed to be more careful with the fragile boy.

He figured he could figure it out as time went by. Steve wasn't eager to talk about it, clearly, so he simply wouldn't bring it up until he was sure of where the brunette stood. Billy didn't like to overthink things so he shrugged, satisfied with his loose plan and hurried just a bit getting ready so he could see what Steve was busy with on the surface. They hadn't hung out in a while with no complications and maybe that was what he needed to ground himself. A nice, peaceful day with the loud, awkward, bumbling Steve Harrington.

"Your boy went out to find something to give everyone."


"It's February the fourteenth. And you know what that means. Don't know what he plans to find when we're in the middle of nowhere but I wished him good luck, told him not to stray too far in his focus and sent him on his way."

"Shit. Do you not realise how dangerous it is to leave Steve Harrington by himself?! What if he eats something poisonous? Or trips on a rock and fucking dies? Steve would be the type to die that way, really. I'll just go out there and find him, make sure he's alright-"

"He can handle himself. Down, boy. Protectiveness is cute and all but you gotta let him do shit on his own and just be supportive of him all the way through. Anyway, are you getting him anything?"

" I'll make food."

"Food. Hmm... Perfect, actually, considering the limited gift ideas available here. It's a Valentine classic. I'm sure anything you'd make would be acceptable, Steve does love his food."

"I'm cooking for all of you. Not just him. Why would I cook for just him?"

"Right. Well, after what he's said about your skill, I wish I could but Alex and I have something to eat already. You should still make something special for you both though. Anyway, gotta go back to my boyfriend and watch him enjoy his amazing five-star breakfast-in-bed by yours truly."

Steve was a sweet tooth and Billy knew that well so those were the recipes he focused on. He wasn't interested in making anything Valentine's themed but if Steve cared about the holiday, he decided he might as well try to make him happy. So he started off with chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries on them. When he still didn't show up, he decided he'd boil some water so he'd get a hot chocolate after being in the snow so long.

Time ticked by and Steve was still out there. So, to push away his anxiety about the many dangers his idiotic roommate could possibly get into, Billy made more things. It started out with quicker, simple dishes like French toast and brownies. But then Steve didn't show up, leading to different desserts piling up on the table. Billy wasn't going to pretend that he wasn't pissed off when Steve showed up with a large grin on his face, one that somehow widened when he saw all the goodies on the table.

"Oh my God... A feast! Is it my birthday?! It feels like my birthday-"

"Shut up." He wanted to stay annoyed but he gave up, letting the happy swarm of feelings Steve gave him take over. He would never get over how weird it was to have a genuine crush. He'd always thought crushes were mainly based on physical attraction but he never knew he'd get so attached to a person that he felt strangely worried when they weren't there.

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