Day Eighteen

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Billy was still upset with Steve, of course. That wasn't going to change any time soon. But he was also worried. He'd been staying up as long as he could to avoid sleeping and possible nightmares, regardless of Alex warning him it was an unhealthy coping mechanism. He was used to not sleeping right, anyway, with all the nights tending to his wounds and bruises back at home. What was some more?

The problem with trying to stay mad at Steve was that he was tossing about in his sleep, his breathing heavier than usual. He might not have gone through the same shit Billy did but the entire experience must have messed up his psyche too, like it did to him. He didn't want to imagine Steve being afraid like he was and crashing into reality once he managed to force his eyes open, still unsure of if it was a dream or not. So he moved closer. Maybe he would feel better if someone was there when he woke up and by the looks of it, it would be soon.

He placed a hand on his shoulder but he didn't even blink, still engrossed in whatever his mind was making up for him to experience. Billy gave an aggravated sigh, yet his eyes couldn't hide the fondness shining within. He would take Steve's trouble over a quiet night any day. He turned him over so he was laying on his back, hoping that would do some good to jolt him out of the experience but while it did exactly that, Billy's eyes were locked on the bulge in his shorts.

"Fuck... Bi... Don't sto-" he blinked a couple of times, only just registering it was all over and nearly jumped out of his skin when he caught Billy's blue eyes on him. They were much too close for comfort. Steve let his eyes flicker over every pore, doing his best not to reach out and touch him. It felt so real... He wanted more and he didn't know how to stop it.

"Billy, what are you doing here?!" He squeaked aggressively, covering himself up with his duvet. Billy scoffed, wondering if he really thought he could hide evidence that fat.

"I thought you were having a nightmare," he began softly, unable to help raking his eyes over Steve's body. Feeling self-conscious, he tried to sink further into the blanket but Billy had his body memorised at that point. And he wanted more. Much, much more.

"W-well I'm fine now, thanks for checking on m-"

"Were you having a sex dream about me?" It hit Steve like a bus. Billy was never the kind for subtlety. He couldn't dare look him in the eyes again, fiddling with his fingers instead.



"Yeah. No. I'm going back to sleep, good ni-" Billy rose the blanket, finding himself in the presence of Steve's friend once again who'd stood up for an applause, it seemed. He pursed his lips and let go of the blanket, turning to Steve with a puzzled expression. "You know what, Billy? Fuck you."

"First of all, it's early morning," he whispered hoarsely, struggling to keep himself in check. He loved being affectionate with Steve. He loved touching his hair, his cheek, feeling every little detail on his smaller hands. His mind was elsewhere, now. Roughly grabbing his hair, a different set of cheeks entirely and feeling those small smooth hands on a part of him that was growing with every image his mind presented. He knew he had to take this slowly but he couldn't well stop his thoughts. "And second... You certainly would love that, huh? Fuck you, that's the wording you chose to use. Or actually, I have a feeling you'd prefer to be the one being fucked by me. Just a guess."

"Seriously. Fuck you. God, I never had these problems before, I swear. Don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. Sure, you're attractive but a lot of men are attractive, so why the hell do I want you of all people? I'm straight. I mean, I'm meant to be fucking straight," he bit through gritted teeth.

"You're about as straight as your dick, Harrington-"

"I knew you'd be no help." Help? What the hell would he need help for? There was nothing wrong with how he felt, especially since Billy was thinking about the very same thing. Steve flopped into bed, his cheeks tinged with shame and burrowed his head into his pillow in a desperate bid to pretend all of this never happened. "Can you just leave me alone and let me die of embarrassment in peace? Thanks."

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