Chapter 11: Progress

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trigger warning: mild language that may be offensive or upsetting to some readers

Fury's POV

"How has training been going?" he asked.

"Well, everyone's improving steadily, and we are working on teamwork, " the redhead said.

Romanoff was a small, unthreatening-looking girl. Her slender build hid well-developed muscles, and she barely came up to fury's chest. She looked even younger than her true age—fifthteen—and was perfect at playing the innocent little girl card.

He always asked for a report from her, before meeting with the whole group.

Fury would never show it, but he thought of her as a daughter.

His little Natasha.

"Although," Romanov added, snapping him to attention.

"Although what?" Fury probed carefully.

Any problem needed immediate attention; to much was at stake, and he couldn't rely on teenagers to resolve anything themselves.

He had often worried that being cooped up in the tower together was to much for a group of hormone-ridden illogical superhumans, but his worries had never come true—most of them were responsible, and most isusses were self reesolved; but he still checked in bi-weekly, along with the occasional vist to give a mission.

But still.

If Fury had to hear about the infamous prank war one more time, he was going to lose it.

"There has been a few problens with Tony. He's not sleeping again." The crease on her brow was worrysome.

If she was worried...

"Did you talk to him?" Fury already knew the answer. Romanoff would have never brought it up if she hadn't investigated already, she was way too savvy for that.

"Of course. Bruce did too. Both of our results were inconclusive. However, I can tell he is stressed."

"I'll deal with it. I'm assuming you have some theories?" If Fury knew anything, it was that Romanoff would come up with the theories that he never did—and they were rarely wrong.

"Yeah," she said, making no move to elaborate.

"Anything I should know about?" Fury said, with a stern look.

"No, I don't think so," she said truthfuly and unreadably.


"Alright , I'll take your word for it. Let's go meet with the team," Fury suggested.

Romanoff followed him to the door of the meeting room and watched as Fury swung the door open.

The meeting room was typically decorated for the tower: white and light blue colors, very large and open with an entire wall as a window, and lots of technology and random stuff lying around. The avengers had already gathered around a long, oval glass table, and they sat with varying degrees of casualness as they were discussing the velocity of paper airplanes.

Fury barely managed to duck before a stray airplane impaled his eye.

"Well," he said to the hushed silence. "A paper cut is an interesting way to greet me, but I'll take it." Eight pairs of eyes stared at him as he sat at the head of the table. Eight because Romanoff had already snuck-in next to Barton—that girl was sneaky.

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