Chapter 24: Void

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Marjorie's POV

    "I think Nat is going to try to set us up."

    Marjorie was reading a book, (Well, she was a second ago.) and sitting on Bucky's lap in her room. It was a comfortable place to be, but she had practically given him a heart attack when she sat there, he was so surprised.

    Sometimes, his shadow vapor's reaction to her were hilarious.

    Bucky grinned. "What gives you that impression?"

    Marjorie laughed a little. "I think Nat was trying to hint to me that we would make a good couple earlier, or something?"

    "And what did you say?"

No way Marjorie was going to pass up an opportunity to tease him.

"I said, 'If you say so.'"

Bucky paused, and then seemed offended. "I would totally make a good boyfriend!"

"Ehhhhhhhhh," Marjorie said. "If you say so."

Bucky tightened his grip on her waist. "I am an excellent boyfriend," he growled in her ear.

Marjorie tried to prevent the blush from creeping up her cheeks. "I guess you're okay," she said nonchalantly.

She could feel his breath on the back of her neck, which made it hard to focus on her book. She turn the page aggressively.

"Wait, go back to that page," Bucky requested.

"Are you reading over my shoulder?" Marjorie asked as she turned the page back, amused.

"Yes?" he said. "It's a good book..." he muttered.

Marjorie smiled and rolled her eyes. "Haven't you read this before?" She vaguely remember Harry Potter being on the book-recomendations list she made him.

"How many times have you read Harry Potter?"

Marjorie considered this. "Fair enough," she allowed. "This is only my nineteenth time reading the series," added Marjorie.


Marjorie ignored him.


About two hundred pages later, Marjorie slammed the book shut. "Done!"

"You're a really fast reader," Bucky commented as she got the next book. (Book six: The Half-Blood Prince.) "It's only, like, eight in the morning."

"Thanks," said Marjorie as she plopped back down on his lap. "I guess I'm just cool like that."

"Hmmmmm." Bucky buried his face in the back of her neck.

Maybe I should have told him I knew about his crush sooner, Marjorie reflected as she read.

Bucky had reacted how she expected at first. Marjorie expected him to try to push her away; which he did initially.

He was adorably stubborn.

She didn't really care about the fact that technically he was severely older than her. He was still physically seventeen, just with more life experience.

The second thing he mentioned... not being able to have kids... Marjorie imagined that was because of similar reason to Nat not being able to have kids.

At least Nat didn't have a period. Marjorie was stuck with terrible cramps.

Marjorie had never really wanted kids. She couldn't even keep a fake plant or a goldfish alive, a tiny human that can't support it's own neck was out of the question. Plus, labor seemed very painful. And there was adoption. But it was way to early in their relationship to think about futures and kids and sex—

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