Chapter 42: Jealous

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trigger warning: mild language that may be offensive or upsetting to some readers

trigger warning: mild sexual content that may be offensive or upsetting to some readers

Bucky's POV

He wasn't too happy about the scheduling for the mission, but it wasn't as bad as it could be.

Bucky would have preferred Marjorie to not go at all; it was far too dangerous, what if she got hurt?

But he knew that Marjorie would not like being left out, and even less being told something was too dangerous.

At least he could go with her this time and protect her.

"Wade isn't answering his phone," Marjorie said as she entered his room. He quickly threw his notebook under his bed, where it was hidden.

"Am I supposed to know who 'Wade' is?" Bucky asked as she tragically collapsed next to him on his bed.

"No." Her voice was muffled by the pillow she was shoving her face into.

His pillow.

Bucky ideally wondered if he should worry about Marjorie suffocating. He added it to his growing mental list.

"... Are you going to tell me who 'Wade' is?"

"One of my friends from school," she said dejectedly into the pillow.

Something clicked in Bucky's brain. "Deadpool?"

Marjorie flipped around to grimace at him. "Yeah, but I'm not supposed to say so. So, you didn't hear it from me."

"Okay," he agreed. "But he's not answering his phone?"

"Yeah, I texted him ages ago," she complained, "but now he won't pick up his phone, and it's been two weeks."

Bucky tried to decipher how worried she was. Marjorie just seemed annoyed, but he was willing to bet that she was more worried than she showed. He wouldn't bet a lot though.

"Are you worried that something happened to him?" Bucky asked.

"Nah, he's probably just being an asshole," Marjorie said matter-of-factly.

His mouth curved at the deadpan expression on her face.

Bucky idly played with a curl of her hair, and they lapsed into a comfortable silence, lying side by side.

"I just realized," started Marjorie after some fashion, "we haven't gone on a mission together yet."

"Tomorrow will be the first time?"

"Exactly. Does that count as a First Date, do you think?"

Bucky paused. "I'm not really sure. What qualifies something as a date?"

"Um," Marjorie hesitated. "You go somewhere and do something romantic with your love interest? I haven't really gone on many dates..."

"Well, I guess it would depend on whether you consider a mission 'romantic'."

"Hmm, I guess it could be."

Marjorie seemed lost in thought, and Bucky wished he could follow her into the complex, multi-layered web of thoughts and motivations—

"Wait, 'not many?' As in, you've gone on a date with someone before?"

Marjorie blushed slightly. "Yeah."

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