Chapter 26: Dancing

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Clint's POV

"You told Marjorie, right?" asked Nat.

"Of course," Bucky said, and then continued to glare at some nonexistent distant point.

Clint glanced at Nat from the copilot's seat. "What are we talking about?"

Nat smirked smugly. "Whether Bucky told Marjorie where he was going, because, as they are now dating, they ought to have good communication."

Clint frowned. He hadn't realized Marjorie and Bucky were dating. Why did Nat always know this kind of stuff before him? "You guys are dating?" he asked Bucky.

Bucky sighed, which Clint took as a "Yes."

"They are sooo cute together," Nat gushed. "I already made a ship name for them!"

"Haven't I always said shipping real people was creepy?" Clint wondered aloud.

"And I never listened! It's—"

"No," protested Bucky.



"That's weird, Nat," Clint said.

"That name is never happening."

"It already has!"

Clint internally sighed.


"Marjorie is going to love it!"

"She won't."

Nat ignored Bucky. "I'll tell her when we're both back." Clint didn't understand how Nat was keeping the plane perfectly level and being consistently annoying.

He decided to change the subject. "Don't you guys think it's weird that we didn't go on any missions for months and now there are two simultaneous missions?"

"Yes," Bucky contributed.

"Something clearly was worrying Fury, but he wouldn't tell me details. Landing now, get ready," Nat instructed, casually landing the plane on top of the roof of an office building, as one does.

Well, it was more of smoothly flying the plane across the top of the building and jumping out before the plane crashed into the office building's neighbor. You know, as one does.

At Nat's previous orders, Bucky was in charge of making sure the plane didn't crash into the building's neighbor, which was full of civilians. As Clint was coming out of his roll, he heard the horrible scratch of metal against cement as Bucky dragged the speeding plane off the ledge.

"I really should have stretched," Clint muttered as he followed Nat to incapacitate the four heavily armed guards. Nat drop kicked one in the face with enough force to break his nose (especially because she was wearing killer boots,) and punched the other in the abdomen. As he staggered back from the sudden blow, Nat darted to the door that would take her in the building.

"What the—" the one Nat ducked under said. "Get them!" His exclamation was punctuated by the one of three arrows that Clint shot, through his shoulder, pinning him to the wall. The second went into the yet unmarked guard's thigh, and the third pierced the wrist of the one Nat punched.

The one Nat kicked—now with a broken nose—had struggled to his feet and pulled out a gun by the time Clint had nocked a fourth arrow, but before he could shoot, a knife flew by his head, and impaled the guard with surprising force—in a precise spot in his abdomen where it would not kill him. (As long as he didn't bleed out and got some medical attention within the next hour or so.)

"Nice throw," Clint commented, turning around slightly to glance at Bucky. Although he could hear (mostly) perfectly fine with his hearing aid, he still preferred to look at people when they talked.

"Thanks," he said, gracefully walking over to Clint. Clint, while being perfectly silent when moving, had never quite gotten the smooth way Nat and Bucky moved, more like dancing than, say, power-walking through a battlefield littered with broken glass and fallen enemies.

But, you know, still power-walking through a battlefield littered with broken glass and fallen enemies.

It was kinda terrifying, and definitely massively intimidating.

"Drop it," Bucky said sharply to a guard, (the one with the arrow in his thigh,) who was trying to pull out a gun from a holster.

Bucky didn't wait for him to give up the weapon, and snatched it from him. He glanced at it briefly—probably identifying the model—and threw it away lightly. It skid across the cement; far from reach.

It was kinda sad; they had jumped the guards so fast that they didn't even get to try to shoot them. Clint understood this. He would be surprised too if a random plane crashed onto his roof and three kids attacked him.

Clint then disarmed the guards, mostly for something to do. While he did this, Bucky jumped off the roof, starting the second job Nat assigned him.

"How's it going, Nat?" Clint asked.

"Pretty good," Nat said through the com. Clint could hear the faint noise of fists on flesh and muffled grunts of pain. "They should really have a better screening process for these guys. They go down really easily."

"Did you get it?" Bucky asked.

"Almost," Nat replied. "I just found the's downloading now. Did you find me a pretty car?"

"I found a fast car."

"Color?" Clint asked.

"Umm, royal blue maybe?" Bucky sounded unsure.

"Marjorie is rubbing off on you," Nat added. "Are you out front?"

Clint started to prepare to jump off the roof, with a cable attached to his belt and a special arrow. It was like a grappling hook, but archery.

"Yes," Bucky answered.

Clint jumped off the roof.

"Good." Nat jumped through a second story window and landed on the ground near Clint.

A shockingly blue car fishtailed around them, and they both jumped in before it fully stopped.

Bucky glanced at them from the driver's seat, which made Clint nervous because he had already accelerated to 90 mph. "Did you get the flash drive?"

Clint put on his seatbelt nervously.

"Yep." Nat dangled a key chain with a flash drive from her fingers. "I know what you're thinking, and, yes, I know I'm awesome."

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