- 9 - (Most Important Chapter)

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Michael Saw Gavin's Eyes Shut. Michael Knew At That Moment.. Gavin Was Dead.

'No!' Michael yelled and ran towards Gavin. Ray Stopped Him.

'Michael! he's not dead! he will be awake in a few Minutes! You know that. You need to clam down!' Ray blocked him off. Michael's Hair Swung back and fourth as he was jumping up and down, as ray slowly let him away from the dead gavin on the ground. Michael Stopped.

'Why Did You Kill Him? He Doesn't have that many lives!' Michael yelled.

'You Love Him!' Ray Yelled

'No! no i dont!' Michael Yelled.

'You think you have Everybody Fooled, Dont You?' Ray Asked

' And no matter How Hard You try to Deny it, I Could Tell you Care as much about him as much as he cares about you. Admit that you love him. he already knows you do.' ray said

' Despite all your efforts to, never let another heart touch your's.. That Little. Persistent. Kid.. had Somehow gotten in under the wire.' Ray said, pointing his finger at Dead Gavin On The Floor' Admit the truth.. You Love Him.. Dont You?' Ray Said.

Michael Bowed His Head. He was shit out of luck..

'I-... I Do.' Michael Sighed.

'Thats What i Thought.' Ray said.

'I Know.. But I Have No Idea Why Your Like This.. You Should Be Happy.' Michael said.

'I Have other people to worry about..' Ray Wiped his red cape and walked upstairs towards the cells again.

Michael Questioned it. He remembered All the times, Ray cried on his shoulder, For sometimes he Wouldnt Talk about. It was A Stupid Fucking Thing that Bothered Michael While he was in his cell.

'Mi-Michael?' Gavin Coughed, sitting up. The Blood Marked His Shirt, But his wound was gone.

He, he had died. But Only his lifes kept him alive.

Michael Ran towards gavin On The Floor and Helped Him Up.

'We Have To Get Out Of Here.' Michael Wiped Sweat Off His Forehead.

'Michael! your B-Bleeding!' Michael looked at his hand to see blood.

'Dont-... Dont worry about me!' Michael wiped His Bloodly Fingers On His White Shirt, And Flared His Hands.

'WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!' Michael yelled. There Was No Exit.

'I Dont even Have a pickaxe.' Gavin looked around.

Michael Looked at His Plams. He Clenched his fist.

Gavin saw, Michael standing there, Clenching His Fist.

Gavin Saw a Stick, like what you would use to make out of a pickaxe. but this was stone, and had nothing to mine it with.

He heard a crack. Gavin looked behind him to see michael punching the stone block, Some of it crumbling to the floor. Michaels Knuckles were red with blood.

'Michael! what are you doing? stop-p!' Gavin cried.

'What else are you thinking?! we have nothing to get out of here'

Gavin looked at the stairs to the other cells. He was awake when dragged in so, He Knew..

'Michael! theres a hidden door! right here!' Gavin pointed at the wall.

he was just pointing to a stone wall..

'Gav, Thats A Wall.' Michael Said.

'No! Here, Hit it!' Gavin hit it, and it made a bang sound.

Michael went over, and banged it.

'Your right..' Michael threw a rock at it. It Opened A Small dent.

'Gav, take that huge one, give it to me.' Gavin picked up a rock and gave it to michael, who smashed it on the ground.

'Its Working!' Michael smiled.

Michael banged it harder and harder, until he saw sunlight.

(was gonna end it here, but since we hit alot of views on the last chapter, here's more)

He pulled it open. it was the back of rays house. the stone doors bent. Michael never knew he had that strength. Thats what happens when your doing it for the people You Love.

Michael Walked Out, And gavin following. They saw the sun.

Michael saw the achievement hunter city. and over towards his house, held over the steps of gavin's and michaels house, layed flowers, stuffed animals and cards.

gavin saw also. 'Lets.. Lets go.' gavin walked beside michael as they went.

They went to their own steps and saw goodies.

Michael Picked Up A Card.. It Was From Ryan.

'Hopes and Wishes, And Nothing but that, for i miss you and Please lord, Come home.' - Ryan

There Was A Gasp. then Talking

'I Mean They Must Be Near-'

'Their Near'

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