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Gavin's Pov..

My Red Cheeks. My Red Waterly Eyes.. And My Michael. i reached towards the note on my messy bedspread.


when somebody knocked on My Door.

-Third Person.-

Michael slept on his bed wonderfully. he knew he was in a cell with a homophobic Guy Tracking his every move. But Michael was dreaming something better.

- Dream-

Michael woke up to the smell of food. after years of the game was over. everyone paired up and build houses, but still in achievement hunter city. He Pared Up with Gavin.

he got up and went into The Kitchen, Where gavin was Topless with sweatpants On. Michael Smiled.

'Hey, Michael' Gavin said, not even looking at Michael.

'How did you know i was here?' he asked, hugging Gavin by the waist.

'I Could Tell' Gavin turned around and pecked Michael's lips.

'Whats The Suppose To Mean?' Michael Laughed.

'That You Smell Good, You Minge' Gavin placed the food on the table.

Michael Smirked.

Michael, sat on the kitchen table And Gavin stood front of him. Michael played with his hair, making it into weird shapes.

'Stop!' Gavin Laughed and smacked his hands away.

'What, you have cute hair!' Michael laughed and held his hands.

Gavin took a sip of his Tea.

'You British People..' Michael Laughed.

'What! i like tea!' Gavin yelled.

Michael rolled his eyes.

'I Love You Michael.'

'I Love You Too'

Michael leaned in and kissed Gavins lips. (LOOK AT THE DAMN COVER PEOPLE)

- In Minecraft Life -

Ray staired down at the sleeping Michael Which who had a smile on his face and dreaming his dream.

He Knew In He Dreams, He was Dreaming Of Gavin.

Caleb was watching his from his cell on the right side, and smiled.

'Your Jealous' Caleb Spoke.

'Am Not.' Ray Spoke.

'Then Why Are You At His Cell?, Its 3:49 Am!' Caleb Said, Wiping His damp hair out of his Face.

'You'll see.. Michael Get Up!' Ray Yelled.

Michael's smiled Vanished.

Michael has Been here For A Week, and Lost Only 2 Lifes. Gavin Had Only.. Shockingly.. 12. Out of hunger And Self harm.

Michael stood up, and walked towards ray.

'Yeah?' He Asked.

'Here' Ray threw Michaels Clothes To Him, The Ones He Came In With.

It wasn't His Banjo Outfit, A Beanie, A Blue T-Shirt And Some Pants.

Michael Changed, And Ray let him out of his cell.

they walked. Michael Knew Ray Had Something Powerful That Could Kill him forever. a One Shot. And if michael Made a move out Of Line, Ray wasn't Scared to kill.

They walked Towards A Deeper Part Of the cell, Air was more breathable and clear.

Michael could see somebody chained to the ground. chains tightly on the person wrists and nailed to the floor.

'Ray.. Who Is That?' Michael Asked.

'Why Dont you Get a Little Closer..'

Michael.. Started to walked fast. It Came Clearer.

'G-gavin?' Michael Asked.

Ray ran past Michael, behind Gavin And Was Unlocking Him. Michael Ran towards Gavin.

'MICHAEL!' Gavin sreamed. Michael saw Gavin tightly chained to the floor, and could barely stand, so he kneed on his legs.

Michael Slided Off on the ground and got on his knees front of gavin. he griped his face and kissed Gavin. and Gavin didnt Turn away. He Kissed back. Ray rolled his eyes and Unlocked Gavin. Michael stood up and Gavin Ran towards Michael, and Hoped on his arms, and wrapped his arms around his Neck, michaels arms supporting Gavins legs around his torso. Gavin gasped Michaels Cheeks and Kissed him. Gavin seemed to not get enough of Michaels Taste. He Lost so Much Hope from him.

Ray Coughed.

'Gavin. You need to come here, if you ever want to see michael Alive..Again' Ray Smiled.

Gavin Looked at Michael Fear Filled Eyes.

Gavin Left Michaels Grasp and Went Towards Ray. Ray Hugged Gavin. With a Shocking Twist. Michael Only Saw A Sword Go Through Gavin. The Blood On The Sword. Gavin Eyes Shut.

To Be Continued....


Theres Your Dumb Chapter.

A Week's Worth - MavinWhere stories live. Discover now