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Gavin's Point Of View..

————— Gavin poem; Michael —————-

Love is Patient

Love Is Kind.

But hurts when the same gender as i,

I Cant Believe I Kissed A Guy,

Yet I Yelled,

Not Knowing why.

I Knew I Loved Him,

That Too wasnt A Lie

All I Wondered,

my friends on the street,

What they would say,

what would they think?

all i knew, it wasnt right.

To Love A Man Like Michael

In My Life


The harsh sunlight, peered on my eyelids, and i groaned. it hurt, as i rubbed them and sat up. my room was qutie, and untouched. i half expected michael to jump out of secret room or even under my bed. That was are first almost kiss that night. i sighed In remembering it, and how much it felt to be that close to him.

i shook my head in disgust. No, Gavin this will and wont happen to you.

Wednesday. i sighed. i had Michael diamonds in my chest still, well almost, 9. maybe i could win this week, and get some food. i haven't ate since Friday, all i have been eating is apples and some fruit.

i Was as Tired as Anyone. I Regretted sreaming at Michael. If he was going to love me, i had to let it happen.

i sighed. i got my clothes on, and walked about, the city, in-front of Michael house, pacing.

i walked in his house. he wasn't there. he wasn't anywhere.

Gavin, saw everyone in achievement city, around his back porch. they blocked as what they were seeing.

i walked out the house, and pushed through the AH's.

a sword in the ground, iron, with diamond glass handle, with Michael banjo backpack on the sword, hanging still from the swords handle. But That wasn't what they were looking at.

A Note, in Geoff's hands, with everyone reading it, i tried to take a peek.

'Gone' was written. nothing else. nothing. ray sobbing, wondering where Michael had went. jack, looking about, and everyone else, still.

  Nothing was as more terrifying as this. where did he go? when a where will he come back.. this was my fault. i yelled at him. everything changed.

Michael's point of view.. (aw yis)

i could smell the fresh smell of obsidian around me as i slept. hotness bounced off the walls. My forehead was sweating, and i felt it as i opened my eyes. i was laying in a bed, which meant a new spawn point.

i suddenly felt a quessy feeling in my arms and eyes, as everything was blurry and my breath smelled like poison.

i sat up quickly and looked around. a 10 by 8 room was made out of stone, and sides fresh hot obsidian, as well the front of the room, jail bars. no gap. no windows. i looked at myself as i saw i was only wearing a white sleve-less shirt, and baggy pants. like a prisoner.

i looked through the bars to see other cells like my own. the top of the room was steaming, as the walls, dripping with oil and water.

A laughed came from the end of the hall. a shadow came as my way, as i watched it.

The man stopped at my cell. his dark black tux, black shades and top hat. only one thing gave it away.

a rose, pinned to the mans hat and tux. he smiled.

'You!' i said to ray, as i gripped the bars.

'Yes?' he asked.

'Get me out!' i yelled, As i looked to see anything to break out with.

'I Cant do this brother...' he smiled.

'What?' Why Not?!' i yelled, as sweat rolled off my head.

'You must stay.. just as caleb must also..' he pointed to another cell, which sweating holding his legs on the floor, as he looked starved. Caleb, we though he had died, from losing all lives, but here he was. in a cell.

'Caleb knows my big Famous talks, dont you friend?' ray asked.

He placed his head on the other leg, facing from rays shining shades.

'Next tell you should learn not to steal my cakes from me..' ray said


ray rolled his eyes, well i guessed.

'And for as you..' he pointed to Me.

I Backed up, and slammed my body on the hard iron bars, but fell, cause the pain in my right arm.

'You look as angry as Caleb did when he first came.. if he didn't have as much food you have, he would be just like it again' ray said.


'I- I Have Lost Lives..' Caleb ran finger through his messy damp hair.

'Well, i have to stop change subject, don't we?' ray snarled.

'Michael, hows Gavin doing..' ray smiled, so hard.

'Shut up.' i said

'I Wondered.. If You gave Him...' Ray Said

'Shut Up' I Said Louder.

'A Kiss Goodbye..?'  ray snatched off his shades.

'SHUT UP!' I Yelled, and punched the iron bar.

'I wonder, do you like him..?' he toyed with me.

'I SWEAR TO GOD, DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!' I Yelled, sticking my arm, through the bars, pointing at ray.

'Nice Too Know.. See your scared and worried for Gavin. You kissed him over two times Michael. And i was just guessing.. What A Tradior A Gay You became. and to Wonder.. He Loved you as Much You Loved Him.. You could spit it out, to worried about him to notice, well, thanks to you..' he ended.

'He will be put to death, just because..' Ray placed back on his glasses, and walked closer to me.

'Shut up, you know nothing..' i yelled.

'No..' Ray Shook His Head.

'I Know, Everything..' He walked away, as caleb, wide eyed.

'Oh my God..' Tears came to my eyes.

'Is it true?' Caleb asked eagerly.

'what?' i asked

'you like Gavin?! you kissed him?' Caleb, asked.

'Yes.. its not like I'll see him again anyway. having nothing but 100 lives.. he wont last' i said, bending my eyes. the sweat was blending in with my tears.

'I Have Nothing but 15 lives left. by now, it wouldn't be a bad idea, Death on Perpose.' he Said, playing with bars on his cell.

'I Have 234.. but as long as you been here, it will run down quickly..' i said.

'I just thought he was a friend, a lad.. a brother.' i said.

Nothing Else, was Said.


1015 fucking words. 1,015 words.

there you go.

it was ray motherfuckers.

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