𓃵 Chapter 21 𓃵

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That type of dread was felt between almost every single pureblood.

Lucius: You may go now.

{Just as Hydra was about to leave with her brother, Lucius placed his cane in front of her chest— stopping her from moving.}

Lucius: I know you spend your time with the Weasley blood traitors.

{Lucius started smiling crazily as he said that. Showing that he knows something.}

Lucius: I know that you've been spending your time with the Weasel scum— and I just would like to say, that if I hear one more time that you were with them, you would wish you were never born.

{Hydra's breath started quicking at the threat, having heard this before, and having seen the consequences of her not listening. Lucius had noticed this immediately, happy with the outcome.}

Lucius: Understood?

{Hydra nodded her head at that— though she knew, she won't stop seeing the 'Weasel scum' just from a threat her father had told her.}

People were taken back by what Lucius had said, to his own daughter. However, Sirius, having heard this threat one too many times, got up and sat next to Hydra. He didn't hug her or tell her words of encouragement, he didn't do anything for that matter, he just sat next to her; silently telling her 'I know'.

She saw the message loud and clear, grateful for him just as much as she was when she in her present day.

{2 HOURS LATER. Hydra looked at her mother, shocked that she had found her so quickly. Narcissa grabbed Hydra's hand, harshly, and made her way to Lucius and Draco. George and Fred had noticed this and weren't too happy, they started yelling at Narcissa, not caring who heard them. The twins lost the Malfoy women, sooner than they would have liked— both already worried as to what would happen to Hydra. The screen showed Hydra's worried and angry face, soon after. Cutting off from her face onto Harry's.}

Most were mad, especially the future generation, as they all wanted to know what happened with Hydra. But all we're still curious about Harry's life, so none could complain too much.

{From Harry's face to another vault, the goblin can be heard speaking.}

Goblin: Vault 713.

Harry: What's in there, Hagrid?

Hagrid: Can't tell you, Harry. It's official Hogwarts' business. Very secret.

{Hagrid had this small smile on his face, almost joking about it being 'very secret'. Harry's face grew more curious than ever, wanting to know the 'very secret Hogwarts' business.}

"So it was you! You're the reason he wants to know everything all the time!" Ron pointed at Hagrid first, but then Vulpecula moves his hand toward Dumbledore.

"I think you mean him, Ronald."

"Yeah, thanks, Lu!"

Vulpecula— or Lu— scoffed at the nickname that Ron had stolen from her father, hating that ever since the third year, everyone had called her that. "You call me that one more time, Ronald, you wish you never met me."

Vulpecula looked so serious, that almost everyone in the Hall, scooted away from her; in a matter of seconds too.

Ron gulped, rather loudly as well, nodding fearfully of Lu— Vulpecula. "Yea—Yeah, sorry Vulpecula."

Vulpecula smiled sweetly in his direction, it was too sweet of a smile, that Ron scooted even further away from one of his best friends.

All return watching the movie after that whole, they didn't really know what to call it really, thing was done with.

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