𓃯 Chapter 12 𓃯

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''I don't know. Are you?" Regulus raises an eyebrow at the James look alike.

The comment by Regulus leaves Harry looking flabbergasted and a bit confused, if he was being honest. The group of time-travelers saw Harry's look and laughed. Harry looked offended by this and started showing why he was James Potter's child.

"You lot are so rude to me, and to think that I was only ever so kind to all of you!" Harry flips his imaginary hair off his shoulder while proceeding to turn away from them.

"Oh, we are truly sorry for hurting your feeling. Oh chosen one." Atticus starts to tease Harry and the others soon joined in.

"Oh, yes. We have been cruel to you from the start, haven't we?" Neville quickly adds after Atticus, as Neville and Atticus laugh together.

Draco sees this and feels jealousy run through his veins at the sight, but chooses to stay quiet. Hydra's the only one that notices the look on Draco's face and internally starts cheering for the couple that isn't together yet.

Harry fakes his hurt but tries to hold his chuckles in, but a few snickers can be heard leaving his mouth. "I thought we were friends Neville! How could you do this to me!? Especially in a time like this!?" Harry 'faints' landing on Vulpecula's feet. Harry swiftly winks at her, which she returns. Harry's face starts heating up from the action.

The rest of the time-travelers were just laughing at the scene Harry is making.

"Of course, we are, Harold" Nevilles responds with a convincing nod.

Harry beams at this before realizing the name Neville called him. "My name's Harry." he quickly grumbled, crossing his arms and turning away from his fellow Gryffindor.

"Sure Harrison." Ginny says before anyone could beat her to it.

At this point, Harry has just left the time-travelers to sit with his parents. Doing so while grumbling under his breath how they're all just big bullies. The time-travelers, except for Harry, laugh.

"Oh come off it Harry, we were only jokin'," Nashira says while trying to contain her laughter.

"Yes, Harry. We never meant any harm." Luna adds in her usual dreamy voice.

Harry just shakes his head stubbornly and turns back to the screen.

{The screen cuts from Petunia's shocked face to a body of water surrounding an island, with a tall brick house. While the screen keeps on zooming in on the dark house, water hits the rocks wrapping around it harshly. Rain falls as a thunderstorm arrives. Vernon and Petunia are seen sleeping in a bed next to each other, then Dudley is seen on the couch sleeping as well. And lastly, Harry is on the ground with nothing but a blanket. Harry appears to be drawing on the ground a cake with the words HAPPY BIRTHDAY in the middle of it, he had just finished the last touches on the cake, the last touches being the candles, before glancing to his right to look at Dudley's watch. The time goes from 11:59 to 12:00, the watch beeps at the time of midnight. Harry turns back to the cake he's drawn himself and says}

Harry: Make a wish, Harry.

The marauders, girls, and the Potters saddened to see Harry alone on his 11th birthday and swear to themselves that later on, they'll give him a surprise birthday party for all of the birthdays they've missed. The time-travelers sign to themselves seeing Harry alone on his birthday, and for not getting him out of that horrid place. Harry smiles at them comfortably, knowing what they're thinking.

{Harry blows on the candles on his drawn-out cake, before a large bang sound comes from the door. Dudley awakes at this frightened. Harry and Dudley procced to move back from their places and look at the door, which was once again hit. The two 11-year-old boys finally move out of their places and back up to the wall behind them. All of this happened while the door was hit multiple times, Harry hides behind a pillar for protection. Vernon and Petunia finally come down the stairs to see what all the commotion was about. Vernon with a rifle and Petunia behind him, as though he will protect her.}

All that knew what Vernon was holding gasped.

"What is it?" Arthur asks.

"It is a weapon muggles have created that could harm someone or kill them," Hermione answered.

All the purebloods or half-bloods that didn't know this were sick to their stomachs, especially the pureblood supremacies as they didn't muggle were that advanced. The people that knew what the weapon was were disgusted as Vernon had children in the house.

Same cardan same but anyways i hope everyone has a great day u guys deserve it <3 and to anyone reading that celebrate Ramadan i just wanted to say Ramadan Kareem to u guys <333

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Same cardan same but anyways i hope everyone has a great day u guys deserve it <3 and to anyone reading that celebrate Ramadan i just wanted to say Ramadan Kareem to u guys <333

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