❀ Chapter 18 ❀

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Though Harry smiled, because this is where and when his first friends were made.

Most, if not all, of the Great Hall, had the same reaction as the Malfoy siblings. Rolling their eyes, but not at the father's dramatics— but at the family as a whole.

While some felt sympathetic towards Hydra, for her condition, (as well as for Draco, as he still had to live with the Malfoy parents) that didn't mean that people had started liking the family; especially this suddenly.

{The eldest Malfoy family member can be seen sneering and rolling his eyes at the state of the Leaky Cauldron; while the mother had settled for trying, yet untimely failing, to hide her grimace and disgust. Everyone could see how the Malfoy parents looked at the in-sanitary area. Though the Malfoys' usually always had something to say— the parents did have a list of things they wanted to complain about at the moment, but eventually decided against it— today they had just walked away, towards the brick entrance. The people stunned yet all concluded that the family thought that their stares had already said enough. Hagrid had made a noise of disagreement? Hatred? No matter, it was clear that Hagrid disliked the family, greatly. Harry turns to Hagrid.}

The time-travelers saw the looks people were giving the Malfoy family, and didn't care until the looks were directed to Hydra and Draco; accompanied by the looks and noise on-screen Hagrid gave when the Malfoys' entered— angered the time-travelers to no end.

Hydra and Draco told them to stay silent, and they agreed to, for now, that is.

Harry: What is it, Hagrid?

Hagrid: Ugh, the Malfoy family. They think they better than everyone else. Honestly, Harry, I tell you, better if you stayed away from that family, they're no good. The lot of 'em.

{Harry not knowing what to say, since he didn't want to judge anyone he hadn't met yet, but also not wanted to be rude to the first person that has probably ever helped him. In the end, Harry concluded that nodding would be best, and that's what he did.}

Hagrid: Well, then, must get going now. Lots to buy.

{Hagrid chuckled awkwardly after that, looking around; almost as if he were waiting for something that was supposed to come, but didn't.}

The time-travelers noticed what Hagrid was doing and decided that on their own, they would rewatch the movies, to check if they missed anything. But they needed to do this before they went back to their present, which would prove to be a classic 'easier said than done' situation for them later on.

But they'll cross that bridge when they come to it, as honestly, that was their plan for everything— except for Hermione, Nashira, and Atticus, but even after they tried so hard for the others to listen; they never did (which annoyed the three to no end).

Harry: Goodbye.

{Harry directing the 'Goodby' to Quirell, before the two leave the Leaky Cauldron silently, the store still as silent as though they had all just noticed Harry. Hagrid opens a door that leads the two, to an old room with sticks covering the walls, and barrels placed in the corner.}

Hagrid: See, Harry? You're famous.

The time-travelers were not happy at all with Hagrid at the time, but honestly who could blame them.

And just like the time-travelers, the past (that actually cares for Harry and Hydra) were not happy with Hagrid either.

Harry: But why am I famous, Hagrid? All those people back there, how is it they know who I am?

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