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"So let me get this straight," She said, leaning forward and staring into her brother's eyes as if this was an interrogation, and he hadn't just approached her during lunch. "You want me to be a stand-in for your hellfire club because Lucas abandoned you guys, and if you don't find a replacement, Eddie will kick your ass?"

Dustin sighed exhaustedly, throwing his arms up in annoyance.

"Yes, Y/n, those are the exact words that just left my mouth. So are you going to help us or not?"

She smirked, leaning back in her seat and contemplating the offer he had just given her. Of course, she was going to accept, she hadn't had an excuse to play D&D since she was fifteen in Mike Wheeler's basement, but Dustin didn't need to know that.

"What's in it for me?"

She had to suppress the smirk on her lips at the glare her brother was giving her.

"Cool shirt?" his answer came out as more of a question than a statement. She held his gaze for a second longer before grinning.

"Yeah, sure. My period is free; what time does it start?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. And it starts at four-thirty. Do you still have all your stuff?" He asked, standing up from her seat, a grin spreading across his face.

"Of course I do; I'm expecting that shirt before the campaign, by the way," she yelled after him as he all but sprinted off, sending her a thumbs up as she left.

God, it had been too long since she had even thought about this binder; it had been three years. The last time she had played was November 6th 1983; the night Will went missing. She smiled softly as she skimmed through the pages, stopping at an image Will had drawn of the party during one of their more gruelling campaigns.

She had to search a little harder for her dice set, almost giving up at one point. Still, eventually, she found them, stored away in a small shoebox under her bed with various other trinkets from years past, a few ribbons, some polaroids and her favourite set of dice. She used to have several sets but gave them to Dustin or sold them. But this particular set was her 'lucky' set.

She hadn't realised how long she had been looking for her things until she looked at her watch, which read 3:45.


She ran downstairs, haphazardly stuffing her things into her bag and running out the door to her car.

She was able to make it to Hawkins high in record time, maybe or maybe not getting several traffic violations on her way there. When she did pull up, Dustin was waiting on the steps, arms folded and an annoyed glair on his face as she stumbled out.

"Took you long enough," He said, pushing a folded shirt into her hands. "Hurry up and get changed, or we'll be late."

"It's not going to take me thirty minutes to get changed." She insisted, pushing past her brother and into the school.

"Now y/n, I need you to understand something," Dustin said, stopping her out the front of the club doors. "These guys are major nerds, but not like cool nerds like Mike and me like textbook nerds," he began to ramble.

"Dustin, get to the point."

"My point is, I doubt these guys have even spoken to a girl they aren't related to, so just cut them some slack if they're weird about you."

Eddie Watch// Eddie Munson x Henderson!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now