The First Day of School

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Things to know before we start:

Y/N: Your name

F/C: Favourite colour

E/C: Eye colour

H/C: Hair Colour

H/L: Hair Length

F/F: Favourite food

F/D: Favourite Drink

F/M: Favourite movie/show

F/S: Favourite Song

A/N: Authors note

A/N: There will probably be more in the future so stay tuned. Also the video above (if it works) is a loose base to this story and it's characters and stuff. The base for the ideas, emotions, events, settings and characters are all from Aphmau's: Phoenix Drop High and Mystreet so, credit to her for that. But I am also changing the events quite a bit as it progresses so some of it is still my original work. Sorry to keep you waiting let's get on with the story!


It was the first day of school for my final day of high school! I was going to a new school for my final year. I had been waiting soooooooo long for this! Yet in some ways I was nervous and just wanted to stay in bed for the whole day. I stared at the roof for a moment or two before glancing at the clock on my nearby wall.  My eyes widened as I gasped in horror it was already 6:55am! School started at 8am and I had to leave by 7:30am! I jumped to my feet and rushed into my closet. I rummaged through everything desperately trying to find my uniform. Just then I heard someone yell up at me " Y/N! HURRY UP AND GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE! YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY AT YOU NEW HIGH SCHOOL!" It was my mom I shouted back at her "I know, I know I'm coming!" I quickly threw on my uniform and raced to pack my backpack.

 I clutched my F/C backpack in my hands racing around looking for what I needed. Shoving things in my backpack left and right. By the time I had finished packing it was already 7:25am and I still haven't eaten breakfast! I sprinted over to the kitchen hastily. I saw my mom there and she questioned me " You still haven't had any breakfast but it's time to start leaving." "Yeah, I slept in for a bit. It's fine though I can just eat a granola bar in the car." I replied "Very well, let's get going!" I grabbed my granola bar off of the counter and slung my backpack over my shoulder.  With that we didn't hesitate to head over to the car.

  On the way there I thought about if I would make any friends. I'm typically a shy person and don't talk to a lot of people often, unless I really have to or am really close with them. ' I wonder if people will like me, what if they find me annoying! What if I don't make any friends and I'm just a lonely loser for all of this high school year!? Then I will be alone forever!' I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice calling out to me. "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!?" It was my mom " Oh sorry! I was just thinking about how my first day was going to go. I'm sure it will be fine heh heh *I hope*" I muttered that last part under my breath as I opened my car door. 'It was now or never. I could do this I just had to think on the positive side of things!

 I know! I'll set a goal for myself! That always helps me calm down! Okay hmm mm... Oh! I know I'll try to at least make casual conversation with at least one person today!' By the time I had finished my pep talk I was already at the door of the school. I looked up in awe and thought to myself how big and amazing this school looked! It was also a little scary and intimidating because of how big it was. 'What if I get lost? What if I get in trouble? What if someone bullies me? Even worse what If I-' Thud!

 All of a sudden I was on the floor. I looked up to see a tall boy with dark hair and dark eyes. He was wearing the standard male uniform but with his sleeves rolled up. He had scars and bandages on his face. I stared into his eyes and got lost in them for a moment. "Watch where you're going next time you stupid potato!" He yelled at me before walking away. I shouted after him "I-I'm so s-sorry I d-didn't mean to I-I swear!" But was already gone. Unsure if he had heard me or not I got up and brushed myself off I picked up my things and checked the time on my phone. It was only 7:50am! I guess all that rushing was for nothing. I sat by a nearby fountain I pondered what to do for the next ten minutes before classes started.

(ON HIATUS) Aaron Lycan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now