27 | bed

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-ella pov-

We drive back to the triplet's house which was just a couple of minutes away. We enter the house to walk up the stairs and see MaryLou and Justin talking in the kitchen.

"Justin?" I say looking at him and he looks back at me. We didn't see Justin that often because he moved out. When he came I wouldn't ever be there. Id let them have their family time.

"Ella" He says getting up and giving me a side hug as he looks up at Nick and Matt.

"Aww, where my favorite brother at?" He teases as he hugs Chris.

"You guys heard that?" Chris says bragging.

"Where's my hug?" MaryLou asks with a funny frown on her face as we go up to her giving her hugs.

"Where you guys been?" Justin asks.

"Same old Mcdonalds" Matt says as he takes a seat on the counter and pulls be inbetween his thighs.

"Wait what?" Justin asked.

"We were at Mcdonalds" Matt says.

"No, I thought you hated Ella" Justin asked confused.

"No, we're past that" Matt says huging me from behind still on the counter.

"So you guys together or what?" Justin asks.

"What makes you think that?" Matt asks him.

"The way you look at her" Justin says making me blush as I look up at Matt.

"How do I look at her?" Matt asks.

"You're eyes sparkle" Justin says teasing Matt as he laughs.

"No they do sparkle" MaryLou says as we all turn looking at her. 

"How do eyes sparkle?" Nick asks confused.

"Their not literally sparkling its just his eyes become a lighter blue" MaryLou says.

"Aww" I say smiling.

"Ohh hes in love" Justin says teasing Matt.

"Bro stop" He says as he tilts his head back.

"I knew thought you guys where gonna get over the fact that you guys hated eachother I just didint think this soon" MaryLou says.

"People can't hate each other forever" Matt says.

"Yeah I love Chris now" Nick says jokingly as Chris has a straight face on. 

"What do you mean by that?" Chris says.

"I was joking" Nick says.

"I'm so tired, I wanna sleep" I say yawing.

"Oh come I'll tuck you in" Matt says

-matt pov-

"Oh come I'll tuck you in" I say as my brothers and my mom look at me.

"What?" I whisper as they all look away.

I walk Ella upstairs to my room as I open the door and move the blankts for her to lay down. She hops on the bed and I put the covers over her. 

"Give me a bedtime story" She says.

"Why?" I ask her smiling.

"It reminds me of my dad" She says as my smile fades away. I shouldntve asked her.

"Ok" I say before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Their was once this little bird, and this other little bird. And they hated each other so much" I say starting to tell the story.

"And then he pushed her off the tree and she got hurt. Then she had to fly to the pet store and get healed. 

And the boy bird that pushed her apologized and they became friends. They then fell in love" I say looking out the window. 

I look down and see Ella fast asleep. Her cheeks where fluffy red and her red lips looked plumbed. I kiss her forhead before whispering 'im so in love with you' and walking back downstairs. I see my family in the positions I left them. But MaryLou went to bed as well.

"Boy I remember when I was inlove" Chris says as Nick looks at me confused as I throw him a confused look.

"When?" Nick asks him.

"All the monkeys I had. I loved them so much" He says before Nick and I start laughing.

"If only they had hearts" Nick says laughing.

"Hey it's not funny, I lost them all" Chris says.

"It is" I say as I start to calm down.

"Put it like this" Chris says. 

"Say you were with Ella, and you were at a party with her and you see guys hitting on her, would that feel good?" Chris asks me.

"Ella is a living person Chris" Justin says proving a point.

"It doesn't matter I loved all my monkeys, it feels the same" Chris says.

"Loosing a person is harder then burning stuffed animals" Nick says.

"Matt you haven't answered yet" Chris says annoyed.

"Trust me once Ella's mine, Im not losing her" I say.

"If you don't change your atittude you will" Nick says.

"Im always nice to her" I say.

"You weren't the first 14 years knowing her" Justin says.

"Past in the past" I say.

"Bro Im tired as fuck Im going to sleep" I say as I head upstairs. 

Ella was on the bed and I didnt know if she felt comfortble sleeping on a bed with me so I just grabbed some blankets and made my way to the living room falling fast asleep.


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