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"Wh... what are you doing here?" I asked while watching her come into the room. My hands gripped the sheets when she shut the door behind her. She was then rushing over to the bed as her eyes stared down at the sheet covering my body.

"Look what they've done to you," she said while shaking her head. "Don't worry honey; we'll sue all of these people." I then watched, in horror, as she moved closer to me before lifting the sheet up. Her face went white as she saw the bandage.

"No, stop!" I practically yelled as she pulled the bandage back and gasped.

I wanted to shove her off of me; I didn't want her seeing me. "How dare they do this to you, we'll get this taken care of."

"Stop!" My cracked voice said as I shoved her hands off of me and throwing the sheet over myself, making sure the bandage was back on. "Why are you here?"

"I got a letter in the mail, some insurance document, but it was addressed to you. Even though it didn't say the gorgeous name I gave you when you were born. The letter was talking about some ridiculous surgery so I came out here as quick as I could."

My heartbeat was going wild as I stared at her. I thought I had changed my address to the ranch but something must've gone to New York. "Why would you come here?"

She gave me a look before putting her hand on top of my groin area, pain erupting all over my body. "I knew you'd probably still be in this little phase and came to bring you home. You're obviously not thinking straight, this country air always changes people. We'll have a doctor turn you back into my little princess."

"Stop it!" I shoved her hand off of me as angry tears slid down my cheeks. "This is not some phase Mom, this is my life! This is how I've always been inside my mind. I've never been the person you thought I've been."

"They must have you on some strong pills Alexis." My body flinched like she slapped me, god I hated that name. "Don't worry honey, we'll get this all situated. Once we get home we can go get manicures and get our hair done, your hair will need to grow out some. You look like a tomboy right now and no one wants that. Oh! Do you remember Dillion Springs? I think you two would be perfect together."

"Stop!" I cried while putting my hands over my face.

"Oh Alexis, you were always such a drama queen."

"I'm Levi."

This time she laughed before petting my hair. "Alexis, this isn't funny anymore. God honey are you even wearing a bra?" My hands dug into my hair as I felt her suddenly touch my chest. I never told her that Wyatt paid for my top surgery, or that I even had one. I tried to keep a lot hidden from her. I even wore hoodies all the time so she wouldn't actually see my chest. "We'll have a plastic surgeon fix these too. You can't be a good wife looking like this. So stop crying Alexis and woman up."

"What the fuck did you just say?"

My hands slid from my face to see Porter standing in the doorway. I hadn't even heard the door open but I was so happy to see him. I've also never seen someone look so incredibly pissed while holding a banana and a sandwich. My mother turned towards him before putting her hands onto her hips.

"Don't you country hicks have any class? You don't curse when women are present."

"There's only one bitch in this fucking room, no women."

She gasped before putting her hand onto her chest. "And who exactly do you think you are?"

"I'm Levi's boyfriend."

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