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Something tickled my face, making my eyes slowly and sleepily open. However the instant they did my heart all but flew out of my chest. Porter was leaning above me leaving kisses over my face. Once my eyes became less fuzzy I realized he was wearing what looked like barn clothes.

"Morning darlin'," he said with a smile.

"Morning?" I croaked while running a hand over my eyes. I didn't think it was even nighttime when I fell asleep earlier.

"You slept a pretty long time, but I think you needed it. I wanted to let you know I'm going to be out in the barn if you need me."

A stupid smile lit up my face as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my level. When his lips captured mine my fingers wound up in his hair. I loved feeling his strong body above mine and the feel of his lips on mine. It was worrying how much I liked him, literally everything about him.

When he pulled back he ran a hand over my flushed face. "I didn't want you to wake up alone."

"You're so sweet," I whispered while running my fingers over his scruffy face.

He smiled before kissing my wrist. "Wyatt told me last night he was going to go see Kurt today. I wasn't sure if you wanted to go with him, he said he was leaving sometime around noon."

"I'll probably go," I said with a yawn. "Even though your bed is so comfy."

"I liked waking up with you in my bed, liked it a whole fucking lot."

"Just wait until I'm in your clothes. Then you'll really never want me to leave."

His face softened as he leaned down to kiss me again. "You can always wear any of my clothes, anytime you want. And no, you're not leaving, even if I have to tie you to this bed."

My eyebrows rose as I said, "Didn't take you for the kinky tying up kind."

He laughed while saying, "Not really my thing but if you're into that we can always explore it."

With that he kissed me again, even softer than before. "Can I explore more of your body tonight?"

"I mean I'm not going to say no to that."

I smiled as he kissed my cheek again. "Are you okay with me... telling Jeremy about us?"

"Of course. I wanted to make sure you were okay with that until I said something to him."

"I was uhm... also going to tell him about me."

His fingers slowly ran over my cheek before his thumb ran over my bottom lip. "I promise you he won't be nasty to you at all. You know how he is; he's very open and loving to everyone. Do you feel comfortable talking to him alone?"

"I think if we could do it tonight, like all of us. Would that be okay? I just, feel really comfortable around you guys here. And I don't want him to be left out."

"Don't think you need to tell him if you're not ready. But that's absolutely okay with me. Maybe we can order a pizza too."

With a nod I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. "I'm ready."

"I'm so proud of you." He then kissed my neck before smiling down at me again. "I might not see you before you go to the hospital with Wyatt. If I don't I'll see you later okay? You'll come home, to me?"

My heart pinged and my eyes watered as I nodded. "I will."

He smiled before kissing me again. "Then I'll see you later darlin', tell Kurt hi for me."

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