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"you saw Erwin?"

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"you saw Erwin?"

Norie nodded at Levi as Hange stood besides her in the break room. He sighed and said "did he say anything?"

"No, we didn't even get the chance to exchange any words. When he saw me it seemed like he got cold feet and drove off"

Levi tapped the table and says "just let him be, we can't force anything"

He stood up and walked out of the room to check on the napping toddlers and clean the playhouses in the backyard.

Norie leaned on the table as Hange frowned but quickly smiled and spoke "hey! How about we start planning your bachelorette party!"

Her friend smiled and says "where would we celebrate?"

"At my place! We'll have wine, crackers and cheese, desserts! Anything you would like"Hange said while wrapping and arm around Norie's shoulder.

"What about Levi?"

"He'll hang out with Moblit!"

Norie smiled nervously and says "I don't know"

"What not?"

Moblit held his cup of beer as he stared ahead, Levi sat next to him while sipping on some whiskey.

"Oi-I'm sorry! Am I breathing to loud?! I'll stop, in fact I'll just stop breathing!"Moblit cut him off and held his breath.

Levi stared at him and said "I just wanted to ask how you are"

"Then I guess he'll have to join us"Hange suggested.

Norie laughed and says "the groom at the bride's bachelorette party? That's something new"

"Fine then we'll just call it a party, Eren and Mikasa can play in the living room while we just hang out in the kitchen"

"And don't worry I bought a lock for my lab"Hange cut Norie off since she opened her mouth to speak.

"That's great to know"


Erwin sat in his apartment staring at his phone, Levi's number opened. He was hesitating to call and talk but for some reason after Norie spotting him and Erwin getting cold feet, it made his confidence of returning crumble down.

And he wanted to call Levi, or even Norie. But mostly his longtime friend. He wanted to be at Levi's big day but knowing that the bride was his ex girlfriend, it wouldn't stick with him.

He hasn't gotten over her and it's making it harder that he still had pictures in his wallet and a faded out lipstick kiss mark on a napkin from a restaurant they went to in highschool.

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now