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Norie had cleaned and changed Reiner's clothes and placed him on a mat since it was time for the toddlers to take their naps, she also laid Annie and Mikasa down for their naps

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Norie had cleaned and changed Reiner's clothes and placed him on a mat since it was time for the toddlers to take their naps, she also laid Annie and Mikasa down for their naps.

Same for Ymir and Historia, Hange checked on Bertholdts eye as Levi cleaned Sasha's face with a wipe since it was covered in spaghetti sauce. Norie sat Armin on her lap as she fed him while he sniffled, he felt bad to eat something so cute but he was hungry and couldn't resist.

After he was done, Norie laid him down and went towards Connie. He had passed out on the chair since the crying wore him down, she picked him up and places him down on his mat.

Hange led Marco by the hand to the nap room as Levi and Norie turn to Jean and Eren who had pouts on their faces, crossing their small arms across their chest.

The couple sighed and kneeled in front of the two 3 year old boys, Norie wiped Eren's face as Levi changed their socks.

"Okay, who started the food fight?"Norie asked.

"He did!"They both yelled pointing at each other.

"What pointless fights, both of you should know better."Levi says and then grabs a wipe and cleaned Jean's face.

The kids saw the look on their faces and they frowned and looked down.

"I'm sorry..."they whispered

Norie smiled at them sadly and cupped their small faces and says "We accept it, next time you come to us"

Levi nodded and ruffled their hair.


Levi and Norie sat down at the table as they ate their lunch, he handed her the coffee making her smile and say "thank you"

"Mhm"he only says and then Hange walks in and sighs loudly.

"Wasn't that something?!"she says smiling as she grabbed one of Levi's carrots, he glared at her but Hange didn't react to it.

"I'm just happy to be eating already, I was hungry"Norie says.

Hange then looked at Levi with a smirk making Norie look at her and immediately knew what she was going to ask.

"Hey Levi~"she says with a bit of a smile"Can I ask you something?"

"What?"he says not looking at her.

"Let's just say...If you were to ask Norie a huge question, like huge that it's about your life...how would you ask her?"

Levi stared at her not saying anything and Norie sat their trying her best not to turn red and tell Hange to stop but the kids were sleeping and she didn't want to wake them up.

"What the hell are you on about four-eyes"Levi says.

"Nothing, nothing, forget I ever said anything! But don't actually forget. I'm gonna go get my lunch and I might have to leave after since I have some shopping to do. I'm running low on groceries"Hange says and puts on her coat and leaves.

Levi turned to his girlfriend and says "what's wrong with her?"

"What isn't wrong with her? Ignore her"Norie says chuckling nervously.

"You're right"he says and sips his tea making Norie sigh.


Hours went by and the toddlers parents came to pick them up, Norie hugged them all goodbye as Levi ruffled their hair. They cleaned up around, got Eren and Mikasa's sweaters on and left, locking the door behind them. They walked to their car and started the engine and drive home.

Levi stops at a red light and taps on the steering wheel, he then heard Norie giggle and he turns to look at her. She was smiling at her phone scrolling through the pictures she took with the toddlers. Levi couldn't help but stare at her as if he was in a trance.

Her jet black hair was falling around her face, her skin was pale but smooth, her Amber eyes were full of mischief and her rose lips... they were just too perfect to be real.

Norie was the first one to see his stare and she looks up at him confused.

"Norie?"Levi says

"Yeah, what is it?"she says smiling, a bit confused.

Levi smirks as he turns to look at her as if he can read her thoughts from her gaze.

"Nothing, nothing"he says and then he glances away.

Norie noticed this and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Alright"she says and then they continue driving to the house.

They got home and immediately went to shower, Mikasa was the first one to go and it was the most easy and fast bath Levi and Norie would ever experience.

She would just sit there as Levi would wash her hair and Norie would scrub her body and that would be it. But for Eren, that's a whole different story.

"I found the towel! It was in the dryer"
Norie calls out to Levi in the room.

"Alright, I just got his pajamas ready"
He says as he walked back with her to the bathroom.

They walked in and then saw Eren standing on the edge of the tub, with his bare bum in the air and hands on his hips.

"And the best soldier goes to Eren Chausiku-Ackerman!"
He yells out and jumps off.

Norie yelled.

Levi jumped towards him and caught Eren mid air, but it resulted in him falling into the tub. The water splashed everywhere and Eren looked down at him and laughed out

Levi's eye twitched and Norie held in her laugh.

"okay, it's time for night night. I'll see you both tomorrow morning"Norie says and kisses Mikasa's and Eren's forehead.

"We'll make pancakes tomorrow"Levi says as he turned on a night light.

"Yay!"the toddlers cheered.

He smiled lightly and kissed their foreheads as well, the couple stood up and walked to the door and closed it behind them.

"God, I really need a shower"Norie says as they walked to their bedroom.

"Me too"Levi began.

"I think Connie stuffed my pockets with his noodles"

She covered her mouth as he glared at her.

"It's not funny"

"No, no it's not"

Norie bursted out laughing and Levi just sighed and walked to the bedroom.

"No Levi! Wait, please"She said while trying to calm her laughter and ran after him.

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now