Chapter twenty-seven

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I'm lying on a cloud. Surrounded by a cloud of fluffy, soft, hard warmth.

Hard? Wait, what?

Forcing my eyes open I groggily look up to find Jeremy sitting next to me on the bed with a phone in hand. He's been doing this a lot lately. Because of my injuries the guys decided that they should alternate sleeping in my room instead of me alternating between their rooms. To be honest, I'm just happy to be back in bed heaven. Whenever it's not Jem's night I still wake up to find him awake somewhere in this room. I've never woken up by it, but I assume he sneaks in at night. Ryder and Shade don't seem to mind it and Hunter can't stand to be alone in the same room as me let alone the same bed.

"I just googled what chickens without feathers look like and I am severely disturbed." Jeremy mutters without taking his eyes off the screen. Then he turns it my way. "Look!"

Oh. My. God. "What the fuck is that?" I grumble turning my head away to avoid looking at the horrid creatures.

"Featherless chickens," he supplies.

"Why would you google that?" I snap trying to erase the picture from my mind. Jem shrugs and I groan. "I didn't even know featherless chickens existed. I'd like to go back to when I was blissfully ignorant of that fact."

The arm around my waist tightens and Shade murmurs a deep dark way too sexy to be okay "good morning," in my ear. It's been two weeks of this and surprisingly I don't feel as suffocated as I should. There's been a weird sort of peace between us. Ryder and Shade have cooked, bought or baked whatever I've wanted. I'm back in my room, but when I've wanted some air they've even let me out on the balcony. I do realise that this is the bare minimum and I'm still very much a prisoner but at times it's kind of felt like before. Which only serves as a sad reminder of what could have been.

Every minute I've managed to convince them to leave me alone or else I'll go insane, I've spent going through the diary again. I think I have it figured out.

Follow the raven to the lake. Leave no stone unturned. The clock goes backwards as the sun descends.

The first part points to the Raven manor. I don't know if the Raven family still lives there which is something I'll have to find out. I'm thinking Callie or Maddie might know. The Ravens are rich and their manor huge. If I remember correctly there's a lake or a pond on the property. I don't think it'll be that easy but it's a start.

The door open and Ryder saunters in without knocking. There's a tray with breakfast in his hands but still he could have used his foot or something.

"Who is it?" I call making him scowl. "Oh, good morning, come on in, Ryder."

Jem snickers as Shade withdraws from my back to help me sit up. They're really overdoing this whole rest thing. I don't need to be on bedrest anymore, I'm just not supposed to overexert myself. Still, they've been adamant about me not walking or doing anything my myself. Ry even tried to hand feed me the first day home which ended up with me slapping him. And that hurt so Jem and Shade made a strict rule: no pissing off Lexie. It's mostly for Hunt and Ry but they've all been extra careful. Maddie and Callie came to visit a couple of days ago which was nice. It was like a breath of fresh air. We've postponed the "double date", Jems words not mine. Dylan didn't mind though he did say he and Callie could go on their own but Callie's nervous and felt better if we were there. Jem wondered if she was scared of Dylan because of the whole gang thing but I really don't think that's it. She's a force to be reckoned with but she hasn't dated in a long time and since they're quite different I think she feels more relaxed if there's a buffer and safety net there.

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