Chapter nineteen

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My butt hurts. I've been sitting on this wooden bench all morning watching Hunter and Shade workout with their clients. When that gets boring I people watch. A lot of people come and go in the gym in spite of it being a work day. Since I was forced out of the house this morning and ordered to come with Shade and Hunter to work I didn't have time to pack a book or something else to keep me occupied. I might die of boredom.

My plans to stay in bed all day and sulk were quickly interrupted. I'd barricaded myself from Shade with a bunch of pillows last night. He kindly stayed on his side the entire night, but went back to his asshole ways in the morning when he without warning pulled up the blinds jolting me out of a very nice dream. I'd burrowed into my pillow and dragged the duvet over my head in an effort to go back to sleep. It wasn't long before Ryder showed up to pull the duvet off me and hand me some clothes before ushering me out of the room and down the stairs. Pushing a sandwich into my hand right before pushing me into the backseat of Hunter's black sports car Ryder waved goodbye looking smug. I have no idea what he's up to but it can't be anything good.

So, here I am. On a cold hard bench in a cold hard gym with nothing and no one to keep me company. After I forced Shade to call Ryder and Jem to make sure they feed, water and play with Draco there's been nothing else for me to do. Ryder dressed me in a pair of workout tights, a crop top and hoodie but I don't feel like getting sweaty and it's not like I can spend the entire day working out. I'd die.

Sighing, somewhat dramatically, I lay down on the bench and drape an arm across my eyes. "I'm bored!" I exclaim to no one in particular. Shade's been staying close to me all day so I know he hears me.

"Another half an hour and then we'll go get lunch." He says probably in an attempt to placate me. "Whatever you want."

"I want to go back to bed." I whine like a petulant child.

Shade shakes his head. "Whatever you want food wise." He clarifies before adjusting his client's posture.

After lunch, which consisted of burgers and fries, I give in to boredom and join Shade and his next client who happens to be some sort of boxer. Shade stations me in front of a punching bag and shows me what to do and how many reps before stepping into the ring to spar with the boxer. He loses his shirt somewhere along the way and I find myself enraptured by the bat like wings inked on his back. The muscles beneath his skin shifts and goes taught as they fight. The punching bag remains unpunched as the men spar. When Shade turns around to check on me, I'm sitting cross legged on the floor with my chin resting in the palm of my hand. Our eyes meet and I almost fall over as I scramble to my feet in a desperate and useless attempt to hide my staring. He literally saw me ogling him. Still, I pretend nothing happened and thankfully so does he.


In the car on the way home, Hunter and I ignore each other like we've been doing all day. Shade remains suspiciously quiet. Something's going on and they know I know that something is up. Which is why I refuse to ask. I won't give them the pleasure of begging for information simply because they're acting weird. Shade got a weird phone call earlier right as we were about to leave which resulted in us staying for another hour. Shade insisted that I do some training. Hunter glared as Shade showed me how to get out of certain holds and so on. To be honest, it was kind of fun.

Now, the awkward silence stretches between us. The music leaking from the radio is the only thing filling it. As we drive onto the street leading to the house, Shade unbuckles his seatbelt and climbs back to sit beside me. Narrowing my eyes on him I scoot closer to the car door, which is locked but it still makes me feel better.

"What's up, Shade?" I murmur trying to keep my tone light and unbothered.

Shade pulls what looks a lot like a blindfold from his back pocket. I don't want to think about why he carries around a freaking blind fold in his pants. The kinky fucker. He takes each end in his hands and lift it as if to bring it to my face.

"Nuh-uh. No fucking way am I letting you blindfold me." Drawing my knees up to my chest I turn and put the door to my back placing both my feet between us. Shade creeps closer. "I will kick you!" I warn making him chuckle. "Shade, no! Get back! Sit!" I order but he keeps scooting closer.

"Hurry up." Hunter grunts from the driver's seat.

Shade, quick as a viper, undoes my seatbelt, snatches one of my ankles and drags me onto my back. Climbing on top of me, he effectively pins me beneath his large body. My flailing fists manages to scrape his jaw. It does nothing to keep him from tying the scrap of fabric over my eyes. Turning and twisting my head to try and shake his hands off does nothing. His hands leave the knot at the back of my head to grasp my wrists before I can reach up and undo it. Shade pins my wrists above my head with one hand. The other traces my jawline with a feather light touch making me shiver beneath him. His hand quivers slightly as his thumb grazes my lips. My mouth falls open and a shaky breath whispers against his thumb. The digit lands softly on my bottom lip as his index finger tips my chin up. His teeth replace his thumb. Shade nips at my bottom lip teasing me. My entire body feels taught. An electric current travel down my spine making my body arch up into his. All thoughts take the first exit sign in my head as my mouth presses against his. Kissing him is as easy as breathing. Our lips move in sync, dancing with each other to a beat only we can feel in our chests. Where Ryder was demanding and our kiss a battle, Shade is coaxing. His are soft even as they press firmly against mine. Our tongues dance with each other, teasing and giving. His lips claim me just as fully as Ryder's did. My limbs go molten beneath Shade as his thumb strokes my cheek. A soft groan passes between us. My knees fall open instinctively and Shade lowers his hips to fit between them. The hand on my face ghosts down my body until it lands on my thigh. He lifts my leg holding it against his side. The hardness beneath his pants teases my core. I arch up filling what little space remains between us deepening the kiss. His hold on my wrists doesn't lessen even as I tug against it.

A muttered curse followed by a door slamming closed shocks me out of daze Shade put me in. I hadn't even noticed we'd come to a stop. I turn my head to see where we are only to remember I can't see anything at all. Without releasing my hands Shade pulls me into a sitting position and helps me out of the car.

Noticing the stiffness in my posture he leans in close. His lips graze the curve of my ear as he murmurs reassuringly "it's nothing bad, I promise".

He pulls me along behind him by my wrists. He shortens his stride and doesn't tug me forward as I walk slowly sweeping a foot in front of me before taking another step not trusting him.

"I'm offended you'd think I'd let you walk into something." He says as he patiently waits for me to check if the bit of floor in front of me is clear.

"Yeah well, I don't trust you. Any of you. And the blindfold isn't exactly helping." I grumble taking another step before repeating the process with my other foot.

"I told you it wasn't anything bad." He repeats softly.

"I don't trust you. That includes your word." I snap back. I don't like not knowing my surroundings. The blindfold leaves me vulnerable. I'd rely on my hearing but there's no sound. I have no idea where I am or what's going on.

After a minute or so Shade comes to a stop. "There's stairs." He states but before I can respond he lifts my wrists and threads his head through the circle between my arms. Letting my hands go he grips my thighs and lifts me off the ground. I let out a surprised yelp grabbing onto the back of his neck as his hands settle on my butt. My ankles cross behind his back on instinct. We reach the top of the stage in half the time it took us to get from the car to them. One of his hands leaves my ass. I hear a door open and then he's walking again, hand back on my butt. He kicks the door shut behind us and then everything's silent once more.

There's a shift in the air. A soft breeze stirs the strands of hair around my face that loosened from the ponytail during my workout. Distantly I can hear waves lapping against the shore. Gently, Shade lowers me to my feet before turning me around putting his front flush with my back. With deft fingers Shade undoes the knot holding the blindfold in place. As he lowers it from my eyes, I have to squint against the descending sun. Blinking a couple of times, the world comes into focus right before a chorus of voices shout "surprise!".

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