Chapter sixteen

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Two thoughts circle each other in my head. Fighting the other to take up the most space. To get to the forefront of my mind.

1. Sebastian Gild is alive.

2. I'm going to kill the guys.

Jeremy's arm snakes around my middle drawing me flush against him. Keeping me from escaping. There's really no need. This place is full of wolves. If I tried to run I wouldn't get very far. Part of me is warm and limber from Jem's words. It would be so easy to sink into him. But the other part of me is furious. That part is very much aware of Jeremy's charm and is screaming at me not to trust him, punch them all, take my chances and run.

Ryder's face is cold and determined as he turns toward us. With swift steps he approaches and takes me from Jeremy. As he bends slightly to throw me over his shoulder, I let my rage and desperation fuel me. My knee comes up and slams into Ryder's ribcage. He doesn't even grunt. Blinking I'm hanging upside down slamming my fists into Ryder's muscled back trying to do as much damage as possible. I doubt he'll even bruise but it's slightly therapeutic to beat him as hard as I can. Kicking my legs wildly my foot, by some miracle, hits him in the crotch. Ryder stumbles cursing vividly. The sound of his palm landing on my ass with a slap echo through the space. For a moment, I freeze with shock before resuming my assault on his back with a vengeance.

Unceremoniously, Ryder drops me into a chair. "Lay a hand on me again and I'll-"

"You'll what?" Ryder cuts me off placing his face inches from mine. A satisfied smirk plays on his lush lips just begging me to slap it off. "Hit me? Run away again? There's not a place on this earth you could run to where I wouldn't find you, love."

My palm connects with his cheek. Ryder doesn't even flinch. I curse as my palm starts stinging. It's like the man is made out of marble. I swear my knuckles and feet hurt far more from hitting him than the hits hurt him. Ryder's eyes grow darker, the pupils widening to swallow his dark irises. Closing the last bit of space between us his mouth crashes onto mine.

His lips are demanding not giving me any choice but to kiss him back. On instinct I open for him and Ryder doesn't hesitate. Our tongues battle for dominance. Ryder claims me with one single kiss. Something cold latches onto my wrist snapping me out of the lust filled haze his mouth put me in. Realisation dawns on me. With a growl I catch his bottom lip with my teeth and bite down hard drawing blood. Almost lazily Ryder retreats. His tongue darts out to taste the blood gathering on his lip.

My hand moves to hit him again but doesn't get very far. Gaze flicking down it gets stuck on the thick metal band around my right wrist. Motherfucker. Ryder quickly slides a second handcuff around my left. The chains sit snugly against the chairs arm, not letting my hands lift an inch. Arms incapacitated my leg flies out. Chuckling darkly Ryder catches it, pressing it back toward the chairs leg and sliding a cuff around my ankle before doing the same to the other one. The second the last one locks the fight drains out of me making my body slump down in the seat.

Four of the top five people I hate most in this world stand in front of me their shoulders brushing. Jeremy at least has the decency to look somewhat apologetic. Hunter looks disgusted. Shade's unmovable. His expression is void of any feeling but his eyes betray him. Shade isn't sorry, but he doesn't look pleased either. Ryder, however, looks like he's won. His eyes glint as he smugly drags his thumb across his lower lip before sucking the remaining blood it caught off.

Glaring at each and every one of them whilst imaging their gruesome deaths at my hand, I don't notice the woman sideling up to us. "Why are we making her one of us if she doesn't even want to be?" the young woman's glare rivals my own. Her bright blue eyes are locked on Jeremy.

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