Chapter twenty-one

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The whole "we're only here to serve" thing quickly went out the window. Instead of being irritated with Maddie for inviting them to play with us, I decide to use it to my advantage.

Maddie picks up a card as the dice rolls across the table landing with four dots facing up. "What's something you're glad your mom doesn't know about you?"

Jem taps a finger against his lips thinking it over. It's safe to say there's more than one thing he's happy to keep a secret from his parent. "Probably the pierced dick." He says with a shrug making me choke on my daiquiri sending me into a coughing fit. Maddie claps me on the back and I push back the tears that come with the sudden choking.

Maddie's smug smile is the only warning I get before she inquiries "what kind of piercings?" probably on my behalf. Not that I want to know. Nope. I am not at all curious about Jeremys pierced cock.

Jem's satisfied expression tells me he knows exactly what I'm thinking and I can't help but glance down toward his crotch as he leans back in his seat spreading his legs slightly. He wags his finger at Maddie. "That's another question and it isn't my turn." Jem leans forward and picks up a card motioning for someone else to roll the dice. Bella leans forward and snatches it. Two dots point toward the sky and Jem clears his throat before reading. "Who was the last person you licked?"

Jasmine snorts as Bellas's mouth stretches into a tight-lipped smile as if she's trying to suppress a laugh. "Jas." Her sultry gaze flicks to Jasmine. As their eyes meet, they seem to relive the last time Bellas tongue was on Jas. A faint blush rises to both of their cheeks before the former picks up a card.

To my surprise Shade rolls the dice of his own volition. "What is your biggest regret?"

Shade goes still, the muscles in his body go taught. His hazel eyes land on mine, the regret and pain echoing in them nearly knocks the breath from my lungs. "Letting Lexie slip through my fingers." He answers without blinking like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Tearing my eyes from his I catch sight of the wolf permanently etched on my skin out of the corner of my eye. My jaw clenches and I pick up the dice, rolling it around in my palm before tossing it onto the table.

Card in hand, Shade counts the six dots before looking back at the questions. His jaw ticks before saying in a cold and detached voice "where's the weirdest place you've had sex?"

Biting the inside of my cheek I go through my wildest sex capades in my head. Some of them bring a small smile to my lips. I haven't always had the greatest sexual experiences, some have even scared me for life, but then there's some that have actually been fun and good. The guys may have turned out to be assholes in the end but the sex was kind of fun while it lasted (which wasn't very long at times).

"Reliving good times?" Callie's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. Everyone's watching me closely with varying expressions. Three scowls, one mix between jealous and amused and four highly amused and curious.

Clearing my throat, I look at my girl crush. The red silk is so fucking sexy on her I can barely focus on what she said. "Just trying to decide between two. They're both quite weird." I admit feeling my cheeks heat.

"Tell us both and we'll decide which one is the weirdest." Maddie suggests wiggling her eyebrows.

Shrugging I take a sip of my third daiquiri before blurting "cemetery parking lot and playground." At Jasmines horrified expression I clarify. "Empty playground. The cemetery parking lot was empty too though we were definitely watched just not by any... corporeal bystanders."

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