Chapter two

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Kai shows me to the dressing room, which is huge. The space is filled with vanities littered with makeup. The mirrors have built in lights. Rolling garment racks are bursting with outfits and fill the room. I follow Kai inside weaving between the racks.

"Lexie, this is Maddie. She'll get you ready for tonight and make sure music and everything's ready." Kai hands me off to a tan freckled woman with strawberry blonde hair and jade eyes.

She gives me a blinding smile throwing her arms around me. "Hi! It's so nice to meet you." She exclaims stepping back. Maddie looks over my shoulder at Kai. "Don't worry, boss. We'll take good care of her."

Nodding, Kai gives us a wide smile before heading back to his office. Maddie leads me over to a tiny kitchen in a corner filled with a group of men and women chatting amongst themselves.

"Everybody!" She claps her hands getting their attention. "This is Lexie our new colleague. She's dancing tonight so I want everyone to pitch in showing her the ropes." She says making me sound like an amateur. "You'll learn all the names in time." Maddie murmurs pushing me into a chair and settles down next to me.

People call out hello's and are genuinely very nice.

"So, since our biggest clientele are heterosexual men all nights except Tuesdays and Saturdays, we girls dance and serve while the boys bartender. Tuesdays and Saturdays are girls' nights so the boys dance and we do the rest." Maddie explains as people separate from the group heading away to get ready for work. Maddie doesn't seem to be in a hurry though, so I don't stress. Taking my time to breathe everything in and learn the way they run things here.

Two girls turn their chairs our way, joining the conversation. "I'm Bella, that's Jasmine." The almond skinned woman with short light brown hair, Bella, says. Her eyes are captivating. Narrow and sultry. Jasmine smiles brightly at me. Her long dark curls tumble down her back and frames her pretty face.

"Hi, I'm Lexie." I say smiling back.

They offer their tips and warns me from certain patrons that can get a bit too handsy or doesn't have the best hygiene. We exchange stories and chat easily for a while and I listen closely to everything they have to say about the Black peony.

"So, what brings you to Kings cove?" Jasmine asks once the conversation starts to die down.

I chuckle uncomfortably not knowing what to say. "Long story short, I grew up here and felt it was time to come back." Not a total lie.

"Where'd you use to live?" Bella asks excited.

"Oh, uhm, you know the orphanage?" she nods. "Around there." I answer vaguely. If people hear about a woman named Lexie that lived at the orphanage, they'll start putting two and two together so vague answers it is. 

"Oh my god. I grew up on the east side in one of the townhouses by the park." Bella responds and I nod remembering the area well enough.

Shade and Hunter grew up there. Both of their mothers were single and stripped to get by. I think they even worked here. The small townhouses are a bit ragged and could use some paint but it's a neighbourhood with a lot of families and single mothers so it was a relatively good place to grow up. We used to hang out there a lot. Shade's mother always baked us cookies. Well, she heated up bought cookies and pretended to have made them. That woman really couldn't cook. Hunter's mom could though. She made the most amazing stew. My heart aches at the memories and I chase them away before the girls notice my dip in mood.

"Does The Pack still run things?" I ask already knowing the answer but curious to hear about it. I need to know about the boys so I can avoid them and Mr. Rux.

"Yeah, Rux is still running this city. Though Ryder Rux helps him now." Bella says eyes glinting at the mention of the son. "Him and his friends run a gym and bar on their own. Fronts for the gang business." She leans in lowering her voice.

Jasmine sighs her eyes drifting away. "They're so hot. It's so sad they never come here." Thank fuck. I think to myself as Jasmine goes on. "They're like the avengers but tattooed and morally ambiguous."

Maddie leans in two and looks between us. "Allison, she's tall with short blonde hair you'll meet her soon, her ex accused her of cheating, which she hadn't, and hit her. She was on her way to work the next day when she ran into Shade. He saw her bruised face," Maddie breaks off and eyes the bruise around my eye before continuing "he followed her here and put some ice on her eye. He didn't leave until she'd told him what happened. Same day, her ex runs from town with his tail between his legs never to return on pain of death." She leans back into her chair. "They may be morally ambiguous but they're good men. Know how to treat a girl right." Maddie adds throwing pitying glances my way.

None of them ask about how I got the bruise, but I read on their expressions I can talk to them if I need to. I give them smiles that reassures them I will if I need it. "Any of you know anyone who's in need of a roommate?" I wonder changing the subject. I've heard what I need about the boys. Talking about them more will make the ache in my chest worse.

Bella frowns before perking up. "We'll ask around but you're welcome to sleep on our couch until you find a place. It's really comfortable."

Jasmine nods and I figure they're living together.

"Thank you." I breathe. "You're a life saver." They both smile warmly at me and follow Maddie as she ushers me in front of a vanity exclaiming at how the time flies by. Bella and Jasmine help with my hair, curling it in long flowing waves.

Maddie expertly covers up the bruises on my face and neck. She eyes the hand prints for a moment before getting back to work. My face now looks alive and stunning. My gaunt cheeks have turned into high cheekbones and the dark circles under my eyes are gone making me look bright and healthy. The false lashes add some volume to my own and the cat eye makeup gives me a dark sultry look. My lips are painted red drawing focus to them. They've always been one of my best assets, naturally big and plump. The red lipstick only enhances that.

Maddie runs off to give the music guy my songs as Jasmine goes to fetch an outfit in my size. Bella changes into her own touching up her face as we wait.

The red bra pushes up my small breast to give them some plushiness and the matching thong sits perfectly over my hips accentuating my waist. I like my small chest but sometimes they need a little push. My ass however is fully capable to stand on its own. My thighs have always been thick and are now corded with muscle. Hips wide and round ass look glorious in this outfit. The red glittering heels are strapped onto my feet lengthening my kind of short legs. I'm 5'5 so I'm not exactly short but not tall either.

The girls lead me around backstage to a place where we can see the entire club that's quickly filling with people. It's a Friday night and they expect every seat to be filled. Bella leaves us to start her shift. I watch as she works the pole effortlessly mesmerising anyone who lays their eyes on her. Maddie points out the pole in the middle where I'll make my debut. The nerves start creeping in. It doesn't matter how big or small the venue is, I always get nervous right before I start dancing. Then I forget everything. This place is bigger than anywhere I've ever worked before making me more nervous than usual. 

Maddie and Jasmine hype me up as they notice that I'm in need of it. Their words make me relax a bit and walk on steady feet onto the stage. The beat of music takes over the drum of my heart. It sinks into my skin and flows through my veins as I start to move. I realise that I've missed this. That I for the first time in years feel somewhat like myself again as I move under the spotlights. Forgetting everything except the movement of my body to the music that fills up every empty space inside me.  

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