Chapter 11: Reunited and Ready for the Show

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"Breaking news, this is a special news bulletin."

"Good good morning everyone and welcome to this special report, police have captured Elijah Wellington, a wealthy known business man in Kentucky and has been put into custody with charges of dog napping and smuggling the famous Dalmatian family that resides in London, he's been wanted in several states for several other charges and has been evading the police ever since the begining of July. One things for certain Mr.Wellington and his servant Butch will be going away for quite awhile."

Back At the Warehouse
"Come on you two let's go." The police officer said as they pushed both Mr.Wellington and Butch (who they scrapped off the destroyed elevator) into the back of a prison truck.

"Just you wait pups, I'm not through with you yet. You haven't seen or heard the last of Elijah Wellington!"

"Yeah yeah tell it to the judge buster."

"Get your hands off of me!" Mr.Wellington yelled trying to fight back but was soon throwned into the truck closing the door behind him, he then stood up and looked out the window with a grim look as the truck drove off leaving the Dalmatian family in care of rescuers especially the two agent that they were with before.

"Oh I'm so glad their okay." One agent said as the media began to surround them.

"I think we better get these dogs back to the stadium it's almost time for the dog show." The other agent said a they went to grab their vehicle, Charlie walked over to Dolly who was just staring up to the sky and sat next to her.

"Hey you alright?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh uh yeah I'm okay."

"You sure, you can tell me."

"Well it's just... that was alot we've been through."

"Yeah we've been through alot." Charlie agreed as they watched the news reporters explained the situation that had transpired.

"You know... I'll admit I had my doubts about this whole adventure but to be honest... this was actually kinda fun." Dolly said with a smile to which Charlies tail started to wag.

"Well I'm glad you agree with me for once." He said getting the duo to laugh.

"Yeah like that's a rare oddity."

"But what matters to me is that, you and Dylan at least got to experience the wonders of the United States."

"And thankfully we managed to get back with our family." Dylan added as camera men came over.

"Hey here they are!" One camera man said as the family gathered around getting ready to have their photo taken, "Say spots." Within a flash the scene changed to the entire family at the dog show posing for their photo by hundreds and hundreds of photographers, they being the main attractions to this year's dog show was an absolute hit with everyone that attended.

"Never thought you get this much attention huh Triple D?" Charlie asked the triplets.

"Are you kidding?!"
"This is like..."
"Totally pawsome." Triple D said as they got into their signature poses getting many photographers to oooh and awe at them. Da-Vinci was showing off her creativity by creating a painting for the crowd once she finsihed she turned the essale around to reveal the paint getting many people to clap in appreciation.

"Looking good baby." Charlie flirted with Da-Vinci getting her to blush like crazy.

"T-thanks love." She said to which Charlie chuckled as he hopped down only to get tackled by Dizzy and DeeDee.

"Easy Dizzy and DeeDee what's the rush?"

"Just super excited!"
"Yeah super excited!"

"Dizzy, DeeDee!" A voice was heard behind them as they turned around to see two familiar pugs running up to them.

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