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Taehyung bought pizza as Jimin asked him to and placed it inside his car.He then started his car to go back but before he could drive away, he saw a man dragging a boy forcefully towards an alley.Anger crept on his whole being seeing the sight.

No matter what, people like this don't deserve to roam around freely.

He immediately went out of the car and carefully followed the man who seemed drunk enough.Taehyung didn't want to not alert him.When the man pushed the boy he was dragging on the wall, Taehyung was finally able to see the face of the crying boy....Jungkook!

If Taehyung were to carry a gun with him, he would kill that man right away.He was fuming when he saw it was Jungkook, his love.The vulnerable look of the younger male was enough to break Taehyung's heart.He saw red out of rage.He didn't even know when he went near them and started beating the man up.All he knew was he was liking the painful screams of that filthy man.

It was Jungkook's voice what brought him back to his senses.The boy looked so tired, so weak.And then Taehyung's eyes widened, seeing the boy falling down.

Fortunately, he was fast enough to take the unconscious boy in his arms before his body could fell on the ground.Since he didn't know where Jungkook lived, he decided to bring him to his and Jimin's apartment.

And now there they are, waiting for Jungkook to gain his consciousness....

At first Jimin wanted to call a doctor but Taehyung stopped him, thinking Jungkook might get panicked again if he sees someone new all of a sudden.The state he found the boy in was terrifying.He didn't want to see it again, he can never see Jungkook in such state!

Both Jimin and Taehyung just decided to let Jungkook be and sat on the living room in order to not disturb the younger male.Taehyung has already told Jimin about what happened to Jungkook earlier.

Jimin was too angry that he wanted to report the case to police but again, Taehyung stopped him saying they should wait for Jungkook to gain consciousness before taking any step hastily.Jimin understood it and both of them just sat there in silence, the pizza long forgotten.


When Jungkook woke up, he couldn't see anything properly in the dark room.He was feeling a bit nauseous but he still managed to raise his body to a sitting position, his eyes half closed because of uneasiness.

Jungkook tried to search for the switch of the light but didn't find it as usual.He completely opened his eyes in horror when realisation hit him like a truck.He remembered how a man tried to force him, how the boy from his uni beat the man up before he could do anything......how he passed out all of a sudden.

Where was he?

Who took him there?

Why he is in an unknown place.....

Jungkook didn't even know when his eyes turned teary again.He tried to stand up and search for the exit of wherever he is at the moment.He needed to go back to his apartment.Even though there's no-one waiting for him, he still wants to go there right this instant.

"Ahh" Jungkook yelped in pain when his knee hit something hard suddenly.

Well, because of moving frantically in an unfamiliar room which didn't have any source of light, made him bump into some hard surface.His senses got alerted when he heard hurried footsteps coming to his direction.Soon the switch of the light was turned on, making the room lit up.Jungkook looked towards the direction from where the sound of footsteps stopped.

There he saw the male who saved him earlier standing with another male who was shorter than him.Jungkook looked at them with his scared, teary, doe eyes,  not knowing what he should say.His lips wobbled, feeling helpless.Why was he so awkward in the first place!

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