Wake Up, Keery

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Andrew walked into Joe's trailer and slammed the magazine on the table.

"You are unbelievable!"

Joe rolled his eyes but when he read the headline, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

Trouble in Paradise? Half of Hollywood's Newest Couple Drinks Away The Pain At Big Party.

"Do you realize that you are acting exactly like everyone claims you act?" Andrew continued. "You're back to acting like an egotistical asshole who only cares about himself."

"What happened to calm Andrew from yesterday?" Joe mumbled.

"Don't you dare," Andrew said slow and full of warning.

"Andrew. . ."

"It was working," he sighed, throwing his hands up in defeat. He shook his head, trying to calm down. "It was working, Joe," he continued. "Evelyn was helping your reputation. Not only was she helping your professional reputation, but she was helping you, Joe."

"Bullshit," Joe scoffed.

"Is it?" Andrew challenged. "Think about it. Before, you were difficult to work with and constantly buzzed. Not to mention the fact that you had started to get hooked on drugs. You were destroying your career and your life, Joe. Evelyn saved you!"

Andrew took a shaky breath and ran his fingers through his hair. He sat on the couch, rubbing his hands together.

"Joe," he whispered. "Talk to me, man. What's going on with you? Why the switch?"

Joe hesitated before mumbling, "It got too real."

"What does that mean?"

"It means," Joe sighed, "I freaked. Evelyn was changing me and as soon as I realized it. . . It freaked me out."

"Why?" Andrew asked. "Joe, there's nothing wrong with getting close to someone and having feelings for her."

"I don't have feelings for her," Joe said a little too quickly.

"There's nothing wrong if you do," Andrew said, holding back a small laugh.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," Joe scoffed. "She was changing me and no chick is going to change me."

"Evelyn is an innocent girl and you are playing her!" Andrew yelled, his anger returning as he jumped back to his feet. He wasn't angry at Joe for the party. This time, he was angry that Joe was refusing to see what was going on.

"I am not," Joe scoffed.

"It's true," Andrew said through his clenched jaw. "You go back and forth between being a genuine guy and an asshole. It's unfair."

"Look. . ."

"You're hurting her, Joe," Andrew cut him off. "Don't you care? Evelyn agreed to all of this to help you. And this is how you repay her? I've watched you two. You've become friends, but now. . ."

"You're acting like she actually cares about me," Joe scoffed. "This is fake. It's all for publicity. We both know it."

"Evelyn is a nice girl, Joe. If she's hanging out with you and treating you like a friend, then she cares about you." Andrew paused as a thought popped into his head. "Or maybe things aren't fake anymore. . . for either of you."

"Yeah right," Joe said, quickly getting defensive.

"You know, there's nothing wrong with that," Andrew sighed. "I'm not saying you guys fell in love or anything. But there's nothing wrong with you becoming friends."

"Come on, Andrew," Joe scoffed again, this time softer. "This was all for publicity. If it weren't for the deal, Evelyn never would have become friends with me."

"You don't know that."

"I do."

"Wake up, Joe," Andrew sighed. "Wake up and realize just how much you're hurting Evelyn. Before it's too late and you're known, forever, as the guy who broke Evelyn Jones's heart."

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