Real As Can Be

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A Year Later

Joe watched, unable to wipe the smile off his face, as Evelyn went through her interview. She was a natural. The second she walked out, the entire room brightened.

Then again, Joe Keery was hopelessly, blindingly, stupidly in love with Evelyn Jones.

After the interview, Joe waited in the hallway outside the dressing rooms for Evelyn. He couldn't help but nervously play with his hands. Tonight was a big night for the two of them and he needed it to go well. He looked over his shoulder, his heart jumping into his throat when he saw Evelyn walking out. He laughed when he noticed her focus was solely on her phone.

"That's offly dangerous," he teased her. She jumped, making her fall into him. He smirked as he caught her. "Like I said, dangerous."

Evelyn rolled her eyes but Joe leaned in and kissed her. It amazed him how every kiss felt like their first. He broke the kiss with a small moan and leaned his forehead against hers.

"You were great tonight," he whispered.

"Thanks, baby," she giggled. She leaned back and slid her hands up his chest, intertwining them behind his neck. Joe laughed when she playfully stuck out her bottom lip.

"What's with the lip, pouty girl?" He teased her.

"I'm hungry."

"Then let's get you some food."

With their hands intertwined, Joe and Evelyn walked out to his car. About three months after they started officially dating, they finally convinced Evelyn's driver, Henry, to let Joe drive her places. Whenever Joe wasn't working, he drove Evelyn everywhere.

And he loved it.

Joe made sure he spent as much time with her as possible. He picked up coffee on his way to her place before he drove her to work. He'd meet her for lunch. After picking her back up, they'd stop on their way home for dinner.

Not that Evelyn minded. Joe was the first guy she dated who wasn't with her for her career. He was with her simply because of her. She wasn't used to having someone in her life who took care of her almost without thinking about it and would run to her aide with a simple text.

The second they got into Joe's car, he grabbed her hand. They listened to music, not needing to talk. They enjoyed the silence filled with the Spotify playlist he made specifically for when they drove together. Joe found himself struggling to focus on driving. He kept glancing at Evelyn, building up the courage to talk to her about it. He smiled when she started swaying in her seat to the music.

"Do you have plans this Sunday?" Joe asked, forcing himself to start the conversation.

"No," she said, slightly studying him. "Why?"

"I thought. . . Maybe. . . If you're free. . ."

"Joe?" Evelyn softly said his name, trying to ignore the nerves.


"Can you spit it out?" She asked. "You make me nervous when you struggle to get something out. It makes me feel like you're hesitating to tell me bad news."

"Sorry," Joe chuckled. "What I was trying to say is, let's go to dinner Sunday night."

"Okay," Evelyn shrugged before laying her head back against the headrest and subconsciously playing with his fingers. Joe let out a sigh of relief, laughing when he realized he had nothing to fear.

It was the actual dinner that he had to worry about.

* * * * *

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