One Simple Rule

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Joe and Evelyn walked in, smiling when the teenage girl working at the counter gasped. She looked around and nervously fixed her uniform shirt.

"Hi," she stuttered. "Welcome to Firehouse Subs. I'm Lauren. What can I get started for you, Evelyn Jones."

"Hi, Lauren," Evelyn said sweetly. "Can I get a medium Turkey Bacon Ranch?"

"Of course," Lauren giggled as she put it into the cash register.

Joe was so distracted by how Evelyn treated this random girl just as nicely as she treated Henry, that he didn't notice both girls turn to him.

"Joe?" Evelyn asked. "What did you want?"

"Oh," he cleared his throat and looked back up at the menu. "I'll take a medium Hook and Ladder."

"Sure thing," Lauren nodded. "Anything else?"

"That'll do it," Evelyn smiled. Joe jumped forward when he saw Evelyn reach for her wallet. He gently put his hand on her arm and grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket. She opened her mouth to object but he shook his head.

"My idea, my bill."

He didn't miss the slight blush and the small smile on Evelyn's face as she looked away. After Joe paid the bill, the two walked over and sat down at an empty table.

"So," Joe started, "tell me about that crazy movie I walked in on."

Evelyn chuckled as she looked down at her intertwined hands. As they waited for their food, they talked about Evelyn's newest movie.

"So, that outfit you were in when I walked onto set was kinda crazy," Joe hesitantly teased. "I have to know. What movie is that from?"

"It's a new Disney live-action," Evelyn chuckled. Joe let out a sigh of relief when Evelyn laughed instead of getting angry. "It's based on the villain in 101 Dalmatians."

"Cruella Deville?" He asked.

"It's her backstory," she nodded.

Joe smirked as he thought back to the outfit she was wearing earlier. "May I just say," he chuckled, "you play the role very well, Evelyn. Very convincing."

"Thank you, Joe."

"Order's up!" One of the other teenage workers called out.

Joe instantly stood up and got it. He carried the food back to their table and sat across from her. As they ate, they started talking about Joe's work on Stranger Things.

"I'm kind of curious. What's it like working with people so much younger than you?" Evelyn asked. "I've only ever worked with people either my age or older. How do you do it?"

"It takes a lot of patience," he chuckled. "When you work with people younger, you don't realize how much they depend on you and turn to you. You don't realize how much you actually end up accidentally teaching them. It's a lot of pressure."

"It seems kind of cool to have that big of an influence on the younger generation," Evelyn mumbled. Joe watched as she slowly took a bite.

"I'm not sure I'm the best role model for those kids," Joe chuckled, trying to lighten the sudden mood and make Evelyn happy again. Silence fell between the two of them as they finished their sandwiches.

"Can I ask you something that will most likely make you yell and storm out of here?" Evelyn asked, playing with the toothpick.

"I promise not to yell at you," Joe said sincerely. "What did you want to ask me?"

"At dinner the other night," she started, "you were the Joe Keery that people expect. But today? Well, I don't really know how to say this but, you've been acting. . . Normal."

"Can't argue with you there," he chuckled light-heartedly. "Was that your question or did you have a different one?"

"My question is. . .  If you can act like a normal human being, why don't you?"

Joe sighed as he sat back in his chair. He ran his hands through his hair, trying to find an honest answer for her. He surprised himself when he realized he didn't want to lie to Evelyn.

"My first role, I played that part," he finally answered. "My director wanted me to fully get into the character. He wanted me to act that way on and off-screen. I got so used to it, I never snapped out of it. Then people expected me to act that way so I kept acting that way. I can be a good guy, Evelyn. I swear to you, I can."

"You really want to do this?" Evelyn asked. "You really think I can help your image?"

"I do," Joe said instantly. "People adore you, Evelyn. If people see that you willingly hang out with me, maybe they'll give me a second chance."

"Joe," she sighed, "I'm willing to help you. But don't you think you need to be the one to show the world you deserve a second chance?"

"You're right," Joe mumbled. He cleared his throat as he added, "But people don't trust me."

"Or," she elongated, "you don't trust you."

Silence fell between the two as Joe thought about what Evelyn said. She was willing to help Joe with his image, but she needed to make sure he wanted to change.

"You're really willing to fake date me just to improve how people see me?" Joe needed to check.

"I am," Evelyn nodded, "but I need you to understand something, Joe. I only have one rule when it comes to this fake relationship; you need to put in the effort. I refuse to put in more work to improve your career than you. If I do, I walk."

"I completely understand," he said quickly. "I promise to put in most of the effort. I will do whatever you tell me to do. Please, Evelyn. I want to improve my image and I know you can help me."

"When should we start?" Evelyn asked with her famous Hollywood smile.

"How about tomorrow night?" Joe offered. "I owe you an official first date."

"Tomorrow night works," she agreed, making Joe let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, her smile turned into a glare. "Don't you dare be late."

"I won't. I swear."

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