27 • Duke's Pub

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"That's it. You've got to dye your hair again," Krista said in exasperation as she tried to style Sera's hair, donned in her sexy pirate costume.

"I know, but I never have any time," Sera explained, sending a text out to her brother to inform him that they would be late, letting him know that it was Krista's fault instead of her own.

She wasn't lying. Sera had planned on throwing her hair into a ponytail and calling it a day, but Krista talked Sera into letting her style it for her. Her main goal was to hide her bad roots, which was proving more difficult than she had first anticipated.

"Okay, this is the best I could do," Krista said with a sigh, stepping back to admire her work. "I think I did a pretty good job."

Sera's eyes widened when she looked up from her phone, surprised that her hair didn't look like a hot mess for once. A thick braid was draped over her head like a headband, effectively hiding her roots. The rest of her hair was down in curls, a few strands pulled out to frame her face. All in all, it looked good, especially if you didn't look too close and see the streaky, orange highlights.

"I need you to do this every day," Sera suggested, standing up from the chair they had dragged into the bathroom to get a better look. "It looks great, thanks, Kris."

"All in a day's work," Krista took the compliment proudly. "Okay, now go get dressed, because we are so late."

Sera agreed, dipping out of the bathroom and heading to her bedroom where Krista had laid the Red Riding Hood costume out on the bed. She quickly shimmied into the outfit, frowning at how snug it fit in the bodice.

It looked like every other Red Riding Hood costume she had seen, with the red dress, faux black corset, and a flimsy red cloak that tied at the neck.

She paired it with her black leggings and brown boots, giving herself a once-over in the mirror and exiting when she decided that she looked pretty, and more like a woman than her cat costume had ever made her feel.

"You look so good!" Krista said once she emerged. "Although, the fish nets would look a lot better. Are you sure you don't want to try them on?"

"I'm very sure," Sera said, moving past her friend to round up her phone and keys.

"Charlie is going to love that on you."

• • •

Micah immediately flagged Sera and Krista down as soon as they entered the pub, trying to pass off his black shirt with a Batman logo on it as a costume like he did every year.

"What? You're not a cat this year?" He asked in disappointment, motioning towards Sera's costume.

"Nope, but I see Batman is still going strong," she said as she pointed to his shirt.

He nodded proudly. "Yep, my fourth year in a row."

Krista rolled her eyes, leaning over to Sera. "What is it with you and your family and reusing the same outfit over and over again?"

Sera ignored her, following Micah as he led them towards a booth in the back corner.  She recognized a few workers in varying costumes with drafts of frothy beer in hand.

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