{1} That 70's Pilot

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Hyde, Kelso, Eric, Bethany and Donna sat in the Formans' dingy basement, Bethany had put down this weeks copy of Rolling Stone to focus on the intense conversation between her brother and their friends.

"Eric. It's time." Hyde stared at his friend through his sunglasses, a serious tone to his voice.

Eric looked visibly flustered, his eyes flicking between his friends, finally landing on Hyde "Why don't you do it?"

"It's your house."

"Your house." Kelso repeated, equally as serious as Hyde.

"It's Bethany's house too. Why can't she go up there?" Eric motioned towards his sister who sat next to Kelso on the sofa.

"Eric, look. Copping beers is reserved for spineless little men who feel like they have to prove themselves. I'd be doing you a disservice by going up there." She replied, picking her magazine back up.

"Yeah. Beth's too much of a princess to be caught stealing beers." Hyde added, looking to the girl for a reaction, knowing just how much the nickname annoyed her.

After receiving a stern glare from Bethany, the curly haired boy continued "Man, listen to them up there. The party has reached critical mass. In 10 minutes, there will be no more beer opportunities."

"If my dad catches me copping beers, he'll kill me." Eric argued, looking to his sister who knew that he wasn't exaggerating.

"I'm willing to take that risk." Hyde replied simply.

Kelso piped up once again, gesturing wildly with his hands, almost hitting Bethany multiple times "Don't worry about it. Just remain calm, keep moving."

"Yeah, and look on the bright side Eric. If dad does kill you, there'll probably be beer in heaven." Bethany attempted to encourage her brother, moving out of Kelso's way.

"And above all, don't get sucked into my dad's hair." Donna added.

Eric looked to the read head, confused "What's wrong with your dad's hair?"

"Just don't look at it." She replied matter of factly.

Eric finally stood from his seat, hoisting himself up the stairs "And, Eric, cold. Definitely cold." Hyde told his friend.

A few minutes later, Kelso and Hyde had managed to find a Playboy and were slowly flicking through the pages, their mouths agape.

"Check it out." Hyde said to Kelso, nudging hun to look at the magazine.

"Bethany and I see that every day." Donna stated as she stopped pacing the floor behind the sofa.

The girl looked up from her magazine, now sitting in Eric's seat that she'd stolen after he made his way upstairs, simply smirking at her childish friends.

A couple of seconds later, Eric came bounding down the stairs, holding 5 beers in his hands, hopping over the back of the sofa to sit between his friends.

"He's alive!" Kelso shouted dramatically.

Eric looked undoubtedly smug "Good news. My dad is thinking of giving me the Vista Cruiser."

"Erm, I think you mean Dad is thinking of giving US the Vista Cruiser." Bethany retorted, there was no way she'd let Eric have sole use of the car.

"You're getting a car?" Kelso asked, clearly excited.

Donna leaned forwards in her chair "Have I told you how incredibly attractive you are, Eric?"

"No." The boy replied smugly.

Tuesday's Gone - Steven Hyde Where stories live. Discover now