(S2) Plant Disaster

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"And that is why The Princess Bride is officially one of the greatest movies of all time," Hunter finished. "At least until they make a Casey Cane movie—no, actually, it might work better as a series, now that I think of it."

"You have got to show me this sometime," Gus said, grinning. "I think I might be able to figure out how to get it on crystal ball."

Hunter gasped. "Ooooh, show me! There's so many human movies and TV shows I've been missing out on!"

"Sure—oh, hey, Matty!" Gus exclaimed, waving to the short Construction track student. "How's it hanging?"

Matt paused, then waved back with a tiny smile. "Hanging just fine, twerp."

"Later, jerk!" Gus said cheerfully.

Hunter gave his friend a curious look. "Last I checked, you guys hated each other. What gives?"

"Well, we recently went on this little trip with a few Glandus students in search of something called 'Galderstones,'" Gus explained. "Only it turned out that we were robbing an illusionist graveyard, so me and Matty teamed up against the Glandus kids to drive them out—and I did this really creepy and really cool illusion that made it look like the statues were bleeding. The gravekeeper was so impressed, he's letting us come back every weekend to help patch it up! So we're friends now!" He paused. "I think. Do friends think that their friend's kinda cute in the right lighting?"

"How come I never heard about this?" Hunter asked with a grin, ignoring the little tremor he felt when Gus had mentioned those stone thingies.

Gus gave him a light shove. "You can't be around for all of our daring adventures, you know."

A bunch of Plant track kids ran through the halls, screaming at the top of their lungs. Hunter and Gus traded a look, then ran down to the greenhouse.

When they were there, they found that it had been completely overtaken with vines, to the point where the vines had actually exploded through the walls. Willow was standing in the midst of them in a daze.

"Willow!" Gus rushed over and helped her out. "What happened?"

"I—I was just touching some of the plants up, and the next thing I knew, that happened!" she said, staring at the vines with a mildly horrified expression.

Hunter winced. "I keep on forgetting how strong you are."

"I knoooooow," Willow moaned, burying her head in her hands. "What's the point of being so good at this if I can't control it?"

"Hey, Hexside needs repairing every other day," Hunter reminded her, giving her an encouraging smile. "This isn't new! Besides, I'm sure you'll feel way better tomorrow."


Willow did not.

Despite Hunter and Gus reassuring her that a good night's sleep would make her feel better, and Amity going into a fit of laughter before telling her that she was too good for the other Plant track kids anyway, she woke up the next morning still feeling like hot garbage. And it didn't seem like her mood was going to change anytime soon.

"Willow!" Gilbert called from downstairs. "Your friend's here!"

She sighed and pulled herself to her feet, trudging down the stairs. When she got there, she saw Hunter leaning against the doorway, beaming at her.

"WILSY!" he cheered. "Best girl! How you doing? You look awesome today! Love the dress!"

"You need my library card to visit Edric, don't you?" Willow said, folding her arms.

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