Forest of Chaos

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"Okay, Hunter," he told himself, pacing a little. "You're meeting Ed and Amity's sister for the first time, so gotta be cool."

He leaned against one of the pillars and stuck his hands in his pockets, then took one hand out and set it against the pillar, then gave up on the pillar and did little finger guns.

"Keep going!" a chipper voice said. "This is fun to watch."

Hunter yelped and got to his feet as he spotted Amity and a girl who looked pretty much like a genderswapped version of Edric---right down to the mole under one eye---with a long braid, a purple vest and green gem, a little choker, and shorts.

"Hunter, this is my older sister, Emira," Amity introduced. "Em, Hunter."

"Nice to meet you, human," Emira said, shaking Hunter's hand. "I've heard a lot about you, though I think Amity's description of you might be more accurate." She winked at him. "Edric's right, though, you are kinda cute."

Hunter blinked. "He said that?"

"You're not gonna get anywhere with him, Emira," Amity told her. "He swings toward guys only."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Hunter said apologetically.

"Oh, no worries!" Emira said, waving a hand. "Me, I really don't care. Cute is cute in my opinion."

"Respect." Hunter scratched the back of his neck. "So, uh, where we headed?"

Amity pulled out a map. "Well, me and Em have been working on this for a while, and we're absolutely positive that it's here." She pointed to a spot in the middle of the woods close to the Blight Manor. "It might take a little while to get there, though. You ready?"

"Anything to avoid going back to the Owl House," Hunter answered. "The Bat Queen's baby multiplied."

"Oh, hey, speaking of which, I heard how you animated your house," Emira said. "That takes some serious magic. You've gotta be pretty powerful to be able to do that."

Hunter instantly became reassured that he was 100% into guys, because if he was into girls in any way, he'd be crushing on Emira based on style and charisma alone. "I mean, I was doing it with Amity, Willow, and Gus, and they're all pretty powerful, so... yeah."

"Well, anyone who successfully embarasses Edric twice is pretty dang powerful."

"Hey, both times were accidental," Hunter said, holding up a finger. "Okay, the first time wasn't, not really, but still."

Amity snapped her fingers. "Come on, guys, let's go."


Hunter drew a light glyph and held it up into the air as the three of them made their way through the woods.

Emira raised her eyebrows. "Wow. I've never seen that before."

"It's called a glyph!" Hunter explained with a grin, eager to finally go on a happy rant about this. "When I learned about the whole bile sack situation, and how humans and part-humans don't have one, I thought I wouldn't be able to do magic, but then I discovered these things. I think these are how witches did magic before they developed the bile sacks."

"Nifty," Amity commented, looking over her shoulder. "Are there any more?"

"Probably, but I haven't found any yet," Hunter admitted. "I'm still training with Eda, though, so I'll probably find more soon. I'm actually kind of hoping for something that does illusions."

Emira laughed. "I like this guy."

He shrugged. "It's really just so I can beat Ed at his own game and practice magic with Gus."

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