(S2) Alternate Medicine

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"So, we're gonna meet a curse expert?" Hunter said, following Gwen down the path. "This is wild!"

"Yes, after years of dealing with the Healing Coven—" Gwen made a face— "I finally found someone who promised me a cure." She stopped in front of a bunch of rocks. "Ah! Here we are."

Hunter watched in fascination as Gwen stepped up to the one that looked vaguely like a door. She held up her amulet to it, causing it to glow a bright green—and the same symbol appeared on the door as it took on the same glow.

It pushed itself to the side, revealing the entrance to the cave. Hunter followed her in.

Inside, the huge space was covered in hanging keys and glowing purple crystals, with a huge waterfall in the back. An old, blue-skinned man with four arms was sitting serenely in front of it, and a tiny, pig-like creature was kneeling in front of him.

"Please," it croaked, lifting its head to reveal a mass of disgusting-looking warts on its eyes. "They're so itchy..."

The man hummed and drew a spell circle in the air, causing the pig creature to rise into the air.

As it spun around, the wart things vanished. Gwen looked positively ecstatic.

"Boils!" the pig creature exclaimed, grabbing its face. "They're gone!" It bowed. "Thank you, Wortlop! Thank you!"

It danced out of the cave.

"That's Master Wortlop," Gwen told Hunter, elbowing him. "He's a traveling curse expert who's perfected next-level healing magic."

"So he's basically a wild witc—ah!" Hunter stumbled backward a little as Gwen tossed her staff to him, then kneeled down in front of Wortlop.

"Gwendolyn, my pupil," Wortlop said, his voice tripled over itself. "Your aura is shining bright."

"It took me many months, but I was finally able to gather the sacred items you requested!" Gwen pulled a few things out of her pockets, laying them down in front of him. "The copper egg from the Snowy Rib Cage, the silver dagger from the Swampy Toes, and the golden chalice from the Desert of Palm Stings!"

Wortlop stroked his beard. "You're a dedicated mother, aren't you?" He summoned a weathered book and handed it to her. "Inside this tome is the healing ability you seek. But keep it away from the eyes of nonbelievers, for many will be blinded by the power it holds."

The part of Hunter that had a hard-working vet for a mom—one who knew just about everything about modern medicine to boot—wrinkled his nose a little at this. Sounds a little sus to me.

He quickly shook his head. Nope, no time to doubt this. Either it works or it doesn't, and either way, I need that info about portals from Gwen.

"I understand." Gwen stood and bowed. "I am in your debt, Master Wortlop."


After they left and got back to the Owl House, the two of them got busy. Hunter got the idea to lure Eda out of the house with signs advertising apple blood, and Gwen consulted the book in order to properly ensnare Eda in a series of traps that were supposed to help the healing process. It was hard work, but the end result would hopefully be worth it.

Hunter finished constructing the last trap and got to his feet. "I think I got it!"

"Nice work, Hunter!" Gwen said, flying down. "With Wortlop's tome and your ability to lure Eda out of the house, we'll be curing that curse in no time!"

"Yeah, she's always down for more apple blood." Hunter fidgeted a little. "So... that Wortlop guy was really something, huh? And you're his pupil?"

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