The Knee

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Hunter let out a cheer as he and Eda climbed the gigantic mountain---which was, as it was named, the knee of the Titan.

"The earliest witches came to the Knee to help develop their magic," Eda narrated as she led him through the snow. "They were drawn by its natural energy." She pointed to a set of snow-covered ruins in front of them.

"Woah," Hunter breathed, carefully stepping towards them. "That's amazing."

"Of course, it's not without its dangers." Eda gestured to a huge, Yeti-looking creature munching on a log a few feet away. "The Slitherbeast."

Hunter recoiled. "Yikes."

"Oh, don't worry," she assured him, patting him on the shoulder. "Don't mess with it, it won't mess with you. Now, come on!"

She led him into the ruins, where he formed a snowball and tossed it up and down.

"I could totally learn my second spell here," Hunter said with a grin. "Magic in the air, awesome views---and best of all, we're completely alone!"

The second he said that, a blast of blue fire came at him.

"Get down!" Eda shouted, pushing him into the cover of some rocks.

Hunter cautiously poked his head out to see Edric, Amity, and Emira across the ruins, Edric holding a little wand in one hand. "Sorry, whoever's over there!" he called.


Hunter slid down out of sight. "Forget teaching me a spell," he whispered. "Just make me disappear."

"Well, I could, but I've got a 60/40 record of making you reappear," Eda admitted, then perked up. "Oh! Oh, you meant---never mind."

"Oh, hey, it's Hunter!" Amity exclaimed. "Hey! Hunter! Over here!"

Welp, no going back now.

Deeply regretting every decision he'd ever made in his entire life, he stood up and waved. "Hey, guys!"

"Isn't that your friend and your frenemy?" Eda said in an undertone, poking her head out. "What are they doing here? And who's that girl with the braid?"

Hunter grabbed her arm. "Be cool," he told her. "If they know I haven't mastered two spells, then they're gonna think I belong in the baby class."

"What's that about the baby class?"

He froze up as Edric walked up to them. "Uh..."

"Only that it's for babies, and Hunter here clearly isn't a baby," Eda said, giving Hunter a pat on the head, then walking off.

"Edric!" Hunter attempted to lean casually against the rock, but ended up slipping. "Uh, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to train," he explained. "I'm trying to beat Amity's highest score on the exam---"

"Oh, Ricky, we both know that's impossible," Amity said, giving her brother a shove.

Emira let out a snort. "Yeah, he still needs a training wand to learn spells other than illusions."

"SO, Hunter, what're you working on?" Edric said loudly, pointedly ignoring his sisters. "Something powerful?"

"Yep!" Hunter answered immediately. "I'm working on something seriously crazy. Eda's a pretty incredible teacher."

"Hunter!" Eda walked up to him with a basket full of snowballs. "I shall now teach you to identify different types of snow---by taste!" She noticed Hunter's expression and frowned. "Well, go on. Eat the snow."

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