(S2) The High Seas

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"Hey, Lily!"

Lilith let out a yelp and dropped the burnt poster she was looking wistfully at a few seconds ago. Eda was standing in front of her, wearing a sash that had a myriad of potion bottles strapped to it.

Eda struck a pose. "How do I look?"

Lilith blinked. "Uh..."

"Getting scammed at the market was such a bummer, but it did give me an idea on how to make a little more cash!" Eda dangled a potion bottle in her face. "You wanna come? I may not be at full power, but I can still make potions!"

"I am quite fine," Lilith grumbled, pushing her away. "Thank you."

"Aight." Eda threw open the door. "Have fun wallowing in self-pity and feeling bad for cursing me! Byeeeeee!"

Lilith sighed and flopped back down on the couch. I guess I deserve this, she thought. There's gotta be a way to make it up to her.

Her eyes landed on a book of potions on one of the shelves. She stood up and picked it off, blowing off some dust.

"Edalyn isn't the only Clawthorne with a talent for potions," Lilith murmured, smiling to herself as she opened it up to a page on scrying potions. "Ooooh, I bet she would love a peek inside the castle." She tore out the page and turned around.

"New roomie check-in!"

Lilith screeched and fell backward, the page landing on Hooty's head.

"How's my bestie doing?" he hooted, then gasped. "A scrying potion? Lulu! You're trying to spy on your old buddies? I can help!" He twisted over to her. "We can find out their crushes! We can give them cute couple names!"

"No!" She shoved him away. "I can do this alone! Don't follow me!" She started out the door, then turned around. "And don't call me Lulu!"

Lilith stormed off, muttering to herself.

"A good friend would respect her wishes," Hooty said, watching her go, "but a better friend would help no matter what!" He tunneled into the ground after her.


Even though the waters under the boat were perpetually boiling, Hunter still felt a pleasant chill as the wind ruffled his hair. Aside from being a witch, a writer, and/or a detective, being a pirate was always high on his future careers list, and he was psyched about this.

"Once we defeat the Selkidomus and get a boatload of snails, Eda won't have to worry about money for a long time," Hunter said, grinning at King.

"King want a cracker!" he chirped in response.

"ALL HANDS!" Captain Salty called.

Hunter instantly rushed over to the lineup, brushing off his clothes.

"All right, crew," Captain Salty said, pacing in front of them. "The Selkidomus has been ravaging the coastline. It was last seen in the Simmering Shoals. You know the drill---'snag the quarry, get the money galore-y.'" He tossed a huge sack of money onto the deck. "We all do the work, we all get a cut."

The crew cheered at that. "I have many debts!" a fish-guy next to Hunter glubbed.

"Until then, keep everything shipshape!" Captain Salty barked. "This ain't no pleasure cruise!" He tossed a broom into Hunter's hands. "Don't be a burden, sea squirt."

Hunter smirked. "Oh, you don't have to worry about me."

And in the hours that he was on the boat, he swiftly managed to prove everyone wrong.

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