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"Stay---stay away from us," Hunter said, backing away. "If you touch us, Eda will come after you so fast---"

Lilith teleported right in front of him, a maniac grin on her face. "That's the plan."

Willow summoned another fist-branch. "Run, Hunter!" she shouted, launching it at Lilith.

Hunter ducked out of the way as Lilith grabbed it and tossed it---and Willow---to the side. The Gauntlet's creation vanished in a flash of green light.

Amity started to summon her little pouch of Abomination goo, but Lilith just drew a spell circle and trapped her in a tangle of ropes. And when Gus tried to fight back using his Oracle Sphere copy, Lilith easily made it disappear and kicked him to the side.

"Now, that doesn't belong to you," she told Hunter, her hand starting to glow. Blue fire shot out of her hand and wrapped around the Healing Hat.

"No!" he shouted, pulling it back as best as he could. The game of tug-a-war didn't last long, though, since the hat ended up ripping---and then it burned away.

Hunter looked at the tattered remains in shock. "I---I needed that to heal your sister!"

"These decrepit relics are useless," Lilith scoffed, picking Hunter up by the cowl.

As he twisted and kicked, she tossed her staff to the others. "If you want to see your friend again, deliver this to Edalyn."


"Come on, Edalyn," Lilith muttered, pacing in front of the castle as the sun set. "You would be late when I needed you the most."

She didn't even need to look behind her to know that Belos was watching from a balcony. If she never shows up---

No. Of course Eda would show. She cared for that human-blooded boy, after all. Lilith saw it every time her sister mentioned him.

A crash of lightning interrupted Lilith's thoughts. She looked up to see her sister floating in front of her, electricity crackling around her and her face twisted in fury.

Lilith's staff flew past her in a burst of golden flame, landing right into one of the castle walls.

"Sister," Lilith said with a smirk. "I see you got my invitation to a witch's duel."

Blasts of flame came from Eda's spell circle as she dove for her, eyes wild. Lilith quickly blocked one with a shield, then summoned her staff, using it to send a blast of her own fire towards her.

"Where is he?" Eda demanded.

"Easy now," Lilith warned, holding up a hand. Eda stopped in midair, giving her a cool expression.

"The human is safe." Lilith waved her hand, sending the bubble that she'd trapped Hunter in swerving in between the two sisters.

"EDA!" he yelled, banging his fists on the bubble's surface.

Lilith stepped in front of him. "You can have him back---provided you do as I say. Renounce your wild ways and join the Emperor's Coven. He can help heal your curse!"

"Don't believe everything that bonehead tells you," Eda growled. "He doesn't want to heal me, he wants to control me!"

Lilith spun her staff and got into a fighting position. "Then I'll take you in by force."

Eda let out a hollow laugh, landing gracefully on the ground. "You've always looked down on me because I'm wild," she said, spinning her own staff and banging it onto the ground, "but fortunately, that just made me work harder than you!"

Changeling WitchWhere stories live. Discover now