Chapter 8

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...after that, he left the store, quietly went to the park, sat on an empty bench, and started to eat
After finishing eating, he quietly looked at the sky as he peacefully closed his eyes, letting the wind blow past him, making his skin crawl at the temperature nothing bothering feeling like he was one of the winds with closed eyes as he felt very relaxed
A couple of minutes later, the same black and yellow butterfly flew and landed on Kazutora's nose. His eyes slowly opened and it was the same butterfly that he saw, he let the butterfly on his nose while staring at it...He suddenly saw a beautiful black and yellow tree with a bunch of black and yellow butterflies. Staring at it not thinking if all of these things he's seeing right now are only in his dreams as he was getting obsessed with looking at the butterflies. He shakes his head to look again to's real as he started to walk towards it, the butterflies didn't even fly away from him as if their the same species making Kazutora's eyes wide open and turn to normal as he softly smiles. He came to it, and quietly sat on the tree while looking at the butterflies still flying around. Feeling at ease he's not gonna lie, but this butterfly makes his problems go away, as he felt at peace. Suddenly someone came in making the butterflies fly away from the place, as he looked at the person with a gloomy expression "C-Chifuyu?! Why are you here?!" Kazutora asked as he slightly looked at Chifuyu "I should be the one asking that! Why are you here Kazutora?!" Chifuyu exclaimed as he stared at Kazutora's eyes then Kazutora broke the eye contact making Chifuyu's expression sad.
"I forgive you, Kazutora but won't you even look at my eyes directly?! Are you hiding something?! I just notice that you're getting thin, do you eat a lot?!" Chifuyu asked, worried about Kazutora's figure since Kazutora hasn't been eating a lot because of the stress that he has been through "d-don't ask me t-that..." Kazutora quietly stuttered "of course, I'm eating alright, I can live on my own without someone's help..." Kazutora exclaimed, making Chifuyu shocked "K-Kazutora, why would you say that?!" Chifuyu asked as Kazutora feels his head a little heavy "I can be on my own, yeah you guys might be my friends but this problem is mine not for you to come in and help I can fix this on my own" Kazutora said as his eyelids are getting heavier as he sighs walking at the bench again to sit to support his body he feels like he will faint at any time. Chifuyu quietly came and sat right next to him "Kazutora even if your problem is personal there is nothing wrong to seek help from a friend" Chifuyu said looking at Kazutora "I know but I want to fix this on my own..." Kazutora quietly said as he looked at the sky, hoping that a butterfly will come back to him.

*at night*
Chifuyu sighs as he also looked at the skies and it's already time for him to go back home, he stands up as Kazutora asked Chifuyu "C-Chifuyu, w-where are you going?!" "Ahh, I have to go now kazutora it's already time for me to go home and you should also go home, I could see in your eyes that you haven't got sleep these days" Chifuyu said as he glances one more then walks away. Kazutora quietly nods but he didn't go back home, he quietly walks toward the yellow tree and sat on the tree...

The forgiveness that I don't deserve-BajiKazuFuyuWhere stories live. Discover now