Crazy Bastard (mature) {caleberu}

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Alberu propped his elbows up onto the desk and rubbed his face with his hands. An exhausted sigh escaped from between clenched lips.

The nobles were at it full force again. A new batch of marriage proposals came for him today. 

Would it be too much to inform the nobles that he did not wish to marry? No, he wouldn't be able to come up with a good enough excuse and it would only help his younger brothers who were vying for the throne.

Another heavy sigh escaped. Alberu stacked the folders neatly off to the side of the large desk and scooted his chair back. It was already way into the night, he could always look at tomorrow or some other time.

He stood up and stretched, his unused leg, back, and arm muscles popped. He would be lucky to even get a few hours of sleep.

. . . . .

Alberu's eyes fluttered open as a moan escaped from his bruised lips. His heart dropped, feeling as if it was covered in ice with the sight that greeted him.

He was laying on his bed and leaning over him was Cale. Red hair hung loose and brushed against Alberu's face, tickling him. Pain that was covered by pleasure shot up his ass.

His eyes widened and his nails dug into Cale's back, unable to move. His mind was frozen in terror as Cale leaned down and bit his neck right above his collarbone.

Cale thrusted into him again. His eyes blew wide open when Cale's cock struck against something that sent shivers of pleasure throughout his body.

What the fuck was happening! He tried to voice his thoughts but the only thing that came out were whimpers and breathy moans.

The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in his bed. When and how did that crazy bastard get into his room without him knowing?

Cale lifted up his head, where he had been peppering Alberu's neck with bites, and claimed his lips in a searing kiss. His tongue slipped in and tasted Alberu's mouth.

Alberu tried to fight back. Tried to pull away from the kiss. But he couldn't. Every attempt ended in failure. He finally came to the conclusion that he was dreaming.

-Ah, fuck.

If it was a dream, he might as well ride along with it. He had actually never had a dream like this before and it was a little strange that his first one was of a man. He must have seen too much of Cale in recent times for this to happen.

Cale bit down on his lip and a moan escaped from him. His nails dug into Cale's back as that sweet spot kept getting slammed into repeatedly.

A hand roamed down his chest at a leisurely pace before gripping onto his aching hard cock. A nail dug into the slit, making his back arch up off the bed.

His eyes fluttered shut as his release hit him hard. Cale's thrusting became erratic, no longer keeping that slow, deep pace that seemed to slam all the way up into his stomach.

Cale's cock swelled and his reddish-brown eyes darkened. It didn't take long before Cale released his seed deep inside Alberu.

The feeling was strange. It also, surprisingly, wasn't a bad kind of strange.

"Beautiful, your highness," Cale managed to say before pulling out. "Shall we go for round two?"

Alberu jerked awake to find himself in bed, underneath the covers. The lights were out, making the room completely dark.

"Fuck," Alberu said once again. "That crazy bastard."

Alberu climbed out of bed, deciding that a cup of tea would be excellent. Though a cold bath would probably do him better, with his erection rubbing tightly against his sleep pants.

He never should have taken that call with Cale earlier. No, Cale never should have answered when he was in that state.

Alberu had made a quick call to Cale a little earlier in the day, only to find the crazy bastard shirtless on the other end. 

He decided on a cold bath. He could always have tea afterwards. The only question that remained, why the hell was Cale on top? If he was going to have that kind of dream, shouldn't he be the one on top? He was also fairly sure that his cock was larger than Cale's, not that he was ever going to check.

He walked into the bathroom while muttering under his breath. He really hopes that he will not dream of that crazy, redheaded bastard anytime soon, preferably never.

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