Too Easy (friends)

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Cale opened the door to his room at his family's main estate-his family had been complaining about him not visiting- and nearly jumped out of his hide. He was able to cover it up with a cough.

He quickly smoothed his facial features into a blank mask. "Your highness, what brings you here?"

Yep, the person who scared the shit out of him was none other than crown prince Alberu.

Alberu was leaning against the wall by the open window. His dark brown hair hung loose. Alberu's brown eyes, which held exhaustion in them, landed on Cale. A smile as bright as the stars in the night sky spread across his face.

"Do you think this hyung of yours is handsome?" Alberu's bright voice held a hidden tiredness within it.

"Your highness, you are both the sun and-"

"Stop," Alberu cut him off. "I have been receiving even more marriage proposals as of late."

Cale dropped the courteous act. His highness was wanting a serious answer as to whether a lady may approve of his true appearance. "Your highness, do you wish to be married?"

"I never thought it was possible before," was his immediate reply.

"Do you wish to marry sooner rather than later now that it is a possibility?" Cale was starting to find this a bit tedious but he could understand where his highness was coming from.

Alberu released a cross between a sigh and a chuckle. "Later. Crazy bas- you have caused an increase in my workload."

Cale felt no pity for his highness since that meant that that was less work for him. He was determined to keep enjoying the slacker life that he had earned.

Cale crossed into the room and gracefully plopped down onto the couch. "There is your answer. You have plenty of time to find someone you can trust."

Alberu sat down across from Cale. "But is trust enough?"

Cale gave him an 'are you kidding me' look. "Your highness you are the crown prince of the new Empire and you are extremely wealthy. That handsome face of yours no matter your appearance only boosts your good qualities."

"So, you're saying that being rich and handsome is enough?"

Aigoo. Cale was starting to grow tired. "Yes. Those are the best kinds of qualities. You also possess a personality that is easy to be around. You are a good person who isn't too bubbly. If you weren't the crown prince, I would even fall for you. Is that a good enough answer for you?"

Alberu stared blankly at him. Cale felt a sense of uneasiness flow through him when a sudden burst of light grew in Alberu's eyes.

"How about you-"

"No," Cale immediately cut him off. He had a feeling that his highness was going to ask him to pretend to be his lover, or worse, find one for him. "I will not be your lover nor find you one. And having a man to pretend to be your lover will only harm your reputation."

"That was why I was asking you to do it. You are the hero of not just the Western Continent but also the Eastern. You come from a good family background, you also have money, reputation, and looks. You also have a solid backing-I mean look at the people you are surrounded by and are acquainted with."

"No, your highness. That requires too much work." Cale firmly denied him, though the offer was tempting. Alberu Crossman was extremely wealthy which meant that Cale could always use the prince's money instead of his own.

"I'll pay you," were the magic words spoken by a smirking Alberu.

"What does it entail? Anything too intimate is out of the question."

Alberu shook his head with a disbelieving look on his face. "Sometimes, you are way too easy."

"Money is always the key to getting what you want," Cale shamelessly replied.

Alberu shook his head again. "Just go back to being a slacker, you crazy bastard."

"Are you sure, your highness?" asked a smirking Cale. Alberu just shook his head and ignored him.

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