Crazy Bastard (friends/relationship?)

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Alberu propped his elbows up onto the desk and rubbed his face with his hands. An exhausted sigh escaped from between clenched lips.

The nobles were at it full force again. A new batch of marriage proposals came for him today.

Would it be too much to inform the nobles that he did not wish to marry? No, he wouldn't be able to come up with a good enough excuse and it would only help his younger brothers who were vying for the throne.

Another heavy sigh escaped. Alberu stacked the folders neatly off to the side of the large desk and scooted his chair back. It was already way into the night, he could always look at them tomorrow or some other time.

He stood up and stretched, his unused leg, back, and arm muscles popped. He would be lucky to even get a few hours of sleep.

. . . . .

Alberu found himself sitting on the edge of his bed in nothing but his sleep pants.

The door leading to his bathroom slammed open and out walked Cale in nothing but a bathrobe. Water dripped off his long, red hair and beaded down his exposed chest. He looked a little less pale and not as skinny as he usually looked.

Alberu blinked before pushing the thought away. He should be more concerned about why Cale was in his bedroom then over his health.

"What are you doing here? And why were you in my bathroom?" Alberu's voice was cold. He crossed his arms and waited for Cale Henituse's answer.

Cale just gave him a long hard stare before sighing. The redhead was starting to look annoyed.

"You told me to wash up." Cale's voice sounded just as cold as Alberu's had. "I can leave if you've changed your mind." Cale turned away from him. "I was only keeping a promise. Even if it was a drunken one," Cale grumbled as he grabbed his things.

Alberu felt even more confused than he already did. What promise was Cale talking about? And when did he ever drink with Cale?

". . .What promise?" Alberu asked cautiously.

"Did you drink in that little bit of time I was gone?" Cale asked. Alberu could see brown eyes staring at him in concern.

"I did not," came Alberu's immediate response.

Cale fell silent for a few long seconds before releasing a sigh. He turned with his belongings in hand and headed back to the bathroom.

Alberu stayed sitting on his bed with his arms crossed, deep in thought. What did Cale mean by a promise? What did he make Cale promise him? And why did he ask Cale to wash up?

He groaned and ran a hand through his hair. His thoughts were a mess and he was extremely confused. There was only one thing that Alberu was certain of, and that was the fact that he was dreaming. But why was he dreaming of Cale in a bathrobe? That part made no sense to him.

Unless. Yes, that was a possibility. It made the most sense that Cale had visited Alberu after a battle-and Cale was usually covered in blood after said battles.

It made more sense that Alberu had wanted to converse with Cale instead of the inappropriate thoughts that flitted through his head that the scenario he found himself in was painting.

The bathroom door opened once again to reveal a fully dressed Cale.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience," Alberu sighed. "It's been a long day, so how about that promise?"

Cale gave Alberu a look that made his heart skip a beat in fear. Cale was no longer looking at him as if they were friends but as if they were strangers. It was not a look Alberu liked seeing on Cale's face after the two and half years that he had known him.

"Yes or no?" Cale finally asked after some time.

"Yes?" Alberu cleared his throat. "Yes," he said a bit more sternly. He was pretty sure that this dream was business related so he wasn't sure why he was so nervous.

Cale released another sigh that seemed heavier than the others. "Just remember that you asked for this," was all he said before walking over to where Alberu was sitting.

He had thought that Cale would sit beside him but Cale did the last thing that Alberu expected him to. Though to be honest, it was probably the thing to expect the most with this setting.

Cale placed a pale hand on Alberu's shoulder. Before he could fully process what was happening, warm, soft lips gently stroked against his.

Alberu's eyes blew wide open and his lips parted just slightly due to shock.


Alberu jerked awake to find himself in bed, underneath the covers. The lights were out, making the room completely dark.

"Fuck," Alberu said once again. "That crazy bastard."

Alberu climbed out of bed, deciding that a cup of tea would be excellent.

He never should have taken that call with Cale earlier. No, Cale never should have answered when he was in that state. Alberu had made a quick call to Cale a little earlier in the day, only to find the crazy bastard shirtless on the other end.

He pulled out everything he needed to make tea. It was decided. Alberu will never again look at marriage contracts and speak to Cale Henituse on the same day.

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