Sleep, Prince (mature) {albecale}

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Author's Note: Inspired by 'Alberu x Cale | Trash of the Count's Family' by DELULUPOLCA


Alberu looked down at the papers in front of him and placed them back in order while he was waiting for the call to connect.

"What do you-" Alberu started when the communication device connected. He came to a stop when he saw the image on the other side.

Cale was on the other side of the screen. His usually neatly tied red hair hung loose and was sticking up in several directions. His half-closed eyes had heavy purple bags under them. An adorable Raon was curled up beside him on the large bed.

"Greetings to the sun of our Emp-" the voice caught off into a yawn. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Alberu shook his head. "Nevermind. It can wait until the morning." He felt bad for interrupting Cale's sleep.

Cale's sleep-filled eyes seemed to gain a little more focus and he leaned closer to the screen. Alberu felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight.

"Hyung, have you been to sleep yet?"

". . .No," Alberu answered a little hesitantly.

"Is it your insomnia?"

Alberu shook his head. "No. I wasn't tired so I was trying to get some work done." And he did have a lot of work to do.

"Bullshit," came the immediate response. Cale released a deep sigh. He pulled the covers back and swung his legs over the side of the bed before standing up. "Raon, send me over there for a few hours."

"You don't-" a bright light surrounded Cale before Alberu could finish. A couple of seconds later had Cale standing in the middle of his room.

Raon cut the connection from the communication device on the other side, leaving Alberu alone with Cale.

Cale came over to where Alberu was sitting and removed the papers from his hands.

"What are you doing?"

"You need to get some sleep, your highness," Cale replied as he pulled Alberu up from his seat. "It will do no good if you collapse from a lack of sleep."

"I won't collapse," Alberu argued. Cale was seriously the only person in the entire continent who would treat the future ruler of the Roan Empire this way. He couldn't complain though.

Cale led him over to the bed. He crawled into the middle of it and flopped onto his back. He then patted his lap. "Come on. Lay down."

Alberu quieted his racing heart and did as he was told. It wasn't long before Cale started petting the top of his head. It was something that Cale did every once in a while when Alberu found it hard to sleep.

He was pretty sure that this was something he did for the kids, which was a little saddening, but Alberu was willing to take whatever he could get. He wasn't sure when his feelings had changed but they had and they've been growing at an exponential pace.

Alberu was feeling content at the moment with Cale's slender fingers running through his hair. He felt the magic disguise slipping off as his eyes grew heavier and heavier with each passing second.

. . . . .

Cale groaned as he opened his eyes. He tried to move but was weighed down by the still sleeping Alberu. Alberu's arm was draped on his chest and their legs were tangled together.

How did he wind up in this position?

Cale took his free arm and rubbed a hand over his eyes. How long had he been asleep? Raon wasn't there so it shouldn't have been for very long.

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