Missed You (Mature) {caleberu}

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Alberu was sitting at his desk, finishing up some last minute paperwork. Life had certainly become busier since their Kingdom turned into an Empire. And he loved every minute of it, even the frustrating moments.

A hand snaked around his shoulders, startling him. He had been so lost in thought that he hadn't even realized that someone had entered. "Why don't you put that away for today," Cale spoke, leaning down until his mouth was close to Alberu's ear. "I miss my husband."

Alberu pulled his eyes away from the paperwork and turned to look into Cale's reddish-brown eyes. "Did you now?" He said with a smirk gracing his face, loving the way Cale's eyes flitted down to stare at his lips.

"I did," Cale smirked back. He leaned forward and captured Alberu's lips with his own. It was a chaste kiss that lingered after Cale pulled away, and it made his mouth instantly dry with the unspoken pleasure it promised to come.

Alberu watched out of the corner of his eye as Cale shoved the paperwork into a drawer. His spine tingled when he realized what was about to happen.

He let himself be pulled up from his seat, always surprised with how strong Cale had become-though he was still technically weak. He was spun around until he faced his husband, his lower back pressed up against the desk. No sooner than he was righted, his undergarments were dropped. He kicked his shoes and fallen clothing off and as soon as he did, he was spun back around and slammed onto the desk. His arms automatically reached up to grab a hold of the desk's edge. His thick length was rammed into the side of the desk in a pleasantly unpleasant way.

"Open for me," Cale's demanding tone was low. Alberu opened his mouth and Cale placed three fingers inside. Alberu closed his mouth around the fingers and licked and swallowed until they were good and coated. "Perfect," Cale practically purred once Alberu released them.

He felt Cale's other hand grab his ass roughly as he separated his cheeks. Alberu opened his legs up further and pressed down as close to the desk as he could to provide better access for Cale.

A saliva covered finger shoved into his hole without warning making his toes twitch. Then another finger was added and Cale began to slide them in and out before scissoring them.

After all three fingers made quick work of him, the sound of pants being unbuttoned filled the room. He quickly threw up a sound proof barrier just when Cale's length slammed into his.

Their first night together, almost two years ago, had been a shocker to him. The lazy Cale demanded to be top and would not relent. Alberu caved and decided that it wouldn't hurt his pride too much to allow this for Cale. Another surprise was that Cale was actually kind of big-though smaller and slimmer than his.

A hand was placed onto the back of his neck as Cale aggressively thrusted into him. His cock twitched and shivers ran up and down his spine when a hand grabbed his balls.

A low moan escaped from his lips and he instantly bit down on his lower lip.

"Don't hold it in," Cale grunted. "I wanna hear you scream." His words were emphasized when the hardest thrust yet slammed into his prostate at the exact same moment that his balls were given a squeeze.

A scream burst forth and his eyesight dimmed. His cock ached and throbbed, demanding its release.

Cale's chest covered his back as he leaned down. "Come for me." Was all he needed before his own orgasm slammed into him, his body quivering from its strength.

A grunt came from behind him as Cale's thrusts became erratic as he chased his own release. Alberu felt Cale's cock swelling inside him before the hot liquid of his seed pumped into him, filling him.

Cale pulled out of him. Alberu continued to hold onto the desk, his legs too weak to move.

"Beautiful," could be heard said from behind him. His cock began twitching to life at the compliment. "Shall we take this to the bed," it was commanded, not asked.

Alberu's stomach flipped and heat pooled down in it. He knew that by Cale's tone, this night of aggressive love making will last for hours. This was the reason why he stayed busy, why he avoided Cale's advances. He may love it when Cale treated him sweetly in bed but nothing compared to the hungry predator that his husband became when he was denied something he wanted.

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