Screwed (mature) {albecale}

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Author's Note: I have decided to do a mature/extended version of Screwed. Be sure to read even if you remember the shortened version because I have extended Cale's part in the beginning and Marquis Ailan's as well.


Cale was leaning against the railing of the terrace. The sounds of music and people talking filled the background.

The rustling of curtains sounded from behind him. Quick, assured steps quietly approached him. Long, lean arms wrapped around his waist and a firm chest pressed against his back.

"Your highness," Cale sighed in annoyance. "What if someone sees?"

A deep, rich chuckle reached his ear and warm breath tickled his hair. "No one will notice with those guests inside."

Alberu was referring to Choi Han, Mary, the dark elves, some of the elves from the Ten Finger village, Toonka, and Queen Litana. There were members from the Whale, Blue Wolf, and Tiger Tribes, along with the new important figures that make up the Eastern Continent. They were all gathered to celebrate their union and triumph over White Star and his organization, the Arm. And Cale and his friends were the main stars.

Cale released a sigh and leaned back into Alberu. He knew he shouldn't since Raon wasn't there to keep an eye out in case someone walked in on them. The little chubby dragon was getting even chubbier with Mary secretly feeding him underneath her robes at the banquet table.

"Let me have this time. It has been a week since I was last able to hold you in my arms."

"I like you much better when you are scamming people," Cale grumbled. He never once fell for Alberu's glib tongue, that was until they found out that what they had between them was a little more than just friendship.

"You like me because I'm rich," Alberu joked.

"I'm quite wealthy myself," Cale grumbled.

"You also like this glib tongue of mine, even if you try to deny it." He leaned his head down closer to Cale's. Alberu's soft lips brushed the sensitive skin on his neck. "It is especially evident when you flush or scream out in pleasure," his whispered words sent hot breath fanning over Cale's bare neck.

Cale felt his face and body grow warm. He had never dreamt of this kind of relationship when he was Kim Rok Soo, and it was even more true when he had woken up in the body of Cale Henituse. These feelings and desires that Alberu brings forth in him were still unfamiliar.

A hand removed itself from Cale's waist and leisurely snaked its way up to his neck, where it gently yet firmly grabbed a hold of his chin.

"You know I'll have to taste you when you look like that," Alberu's voice was low and husky.

Heat rushed down to his lower body and Cale felt his mouth go dry. He had ignored those iffy feelings he started to have toward his highness and now Cale found himself in a dangerous place.

Taking the time to farm, watching over the children, and making sure his friends didn't cause any trouble was already straining his slacker life. He now had an insatiable prince added into the mix.

Before he could start questioning where things took a turn away from his lifelong plan, Alberu's tantalizingly soft lips captured his. At first, the kiss was sweet and chaste before it turned deeper.

Alberu's tongue hungrily brushed against his lips, demanding entry. Cale turned in Alberu's arms to give him better access before parting his lips open. His mouth was soon invaded by the aggressive tongue with the sole purpose of tasting every inch of Cale's willing mouth.

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