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19th of July, Sunday, 1981

(Empty Eyes//Munn)

Finishing up the Sunday dinner at Potter Cottage, Dorcas let out a loud yawn.

Andrea snorted a laugh as Harry mimicked her yawn and pretended to fall asleep in his high chair.

"You want to take a nap before you head off?" Andrea offered, waving her hand and making the plates clear themselves. Dorcas shook her head, quickly dropping the cutlery on top of her plate before it floated away. "Nah I have to get back to Marlene and Marly."

"Is she feeling any better?" James questioned, washing the mashed peas off of Harry's face with a wet cloth.

"Marly's fever's down but it seems whatever she had she's given to Marlene. She was lying on the bathroom floor when I left cause the cool tiles helped her."

Andrea couldn't help but laugh but quickly hurried off to Monty's potion cupboard in the kitchen. "I don't know if these things have expiration dates but this one Monty made last July," she said, returning to the dinner table.

"It's supposed to calm fevers and headaches." Dorcas accepted gladly. "Thanks. I better head back and see if they're feeling any better."

"Want to bring some leftovers?" Remus called from the kitchen, packing up everything in boxes. "Yes please!" Dorcas yelled back, stealing a cuddle from Harry before he got a chance to wriggle away from her.

"Say bye-bye, Auntie Dee," Andrea chuckled as Dorcas blew raspberries into Harry's cheek. "Bye-bye Dee," he managed to say through his laughter.

"YAY! You know auntie's name!" she cheered happily.

Remus emerged from the kitchen, carrying a bag full of leftovers for Dorcas to bring home. "Give the girls our best and hope they feel better soon."

Dorcas accepted the food and quickly kissed his cheek. "Thanks, dear. I'll let them know."

"And kiss Marly goodnight for me!" Sirius yelled from the bathroom when he heard her getting ready to leave.

"OK!" Dorcas laughed, stepping out the front door. "See you guys next Sunday!" she waved as Andrea closed the door, Dorcas Apparating away to the McKinnon's old family home that she now shared with Marlene and Marly.

She landed on her feet on the field behind the house, facing the rolling hills that followed the high hill they lived on top of.

She took in a deep breath, basking in the fresh air and peaceful silence so far away from traffic and people.

She stopped short of her breath, picking up a scent.


She turned in a half circle, facing her house, only to take off at a full sprint the second she laid eyes on the completely dark house, a smoky snake above it slithering through the eye of the skull beside it.

The Dark Mark.

She ran as fast as she could through the tall grass, wand already drawn as she reached her front door. It hadn't been closed. It was still ajar, bits of wood missing from it.

"Marls?" Dorcas hissed as quietly as possible, pushing the door open with the tip of her lit wand.

She stood on the threshold, waiting for any sound. None came.

"Expecto Patronum." She sent off her raven with a message to Mad-Eye, McGonagall, Kingsley, anyone. Anyone who could come and help her.

Not wanting to wait until backup could be there, Dorcas started to move through the house. She didn't like the silence. It was eerie and made every hair on her body stand on end.

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