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21st of October, Friday, 1977

Many things had changed at Hogwarts this year. The patrolling guards were a big one, though.

At the Welcoming Feast, there had been guards wandering around everywhere, keeping an eye out for anything. And Sirius and Andrea had noticed there usually hovered a lot more guards over by the Slytherin table than anywhere else in the Hall.

Which was infuriating, Andrea thought. Just because some of the student's parents had been fighting the fight on the wrong side, didn't make their kids guilty. People's actions defined them, not the house they belonged to.

Andrea sat down for breakfast, pouring coffee for herself and Remus.

All the boys looked around in silence, eyeing the guards walking around the hall. They'd stayed out of lessons until now, but mealtimes had stopped being calm breaks, instead, they couldn't stop thinking about the eyes on them.

Andrea cleared her throat, ready to try and distract them all with some small talk.

"Well I almost choked to death last night," Andrea shuddered, telling the story of last night when she and James had been in the Common Room together. Sirius turned to her then and patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"You'll be fine next time. You just have to stay still for a bit and breathe through your nose before you take in more," he reassured her. Remus choked on his coffee and looked at Sirius with an unreadable expression.

Andrea stared straight ahead as she thought over his words, trying to find the connection between the subjects.

She didn't find one. 

"I was talking about choking on a lollipop that broke off in my mouth. What are you talking about?" she asked slowly, turning to him.

Remus snorted into his mug but otherwise stayed quiet as Sirius' cheeks grew redder and redder by the second. "Oh, yeah. Also lollipops," he stuttered. "Just, a different kind," he chuckled nervously.

Andrea smirked, sharing a look with James. James turned to Remus and held his hand out to him. "Hi a different kind of lollipop, I'm James," he greeted as Andrea burst out laughing.

Peter looked between everyone. "I don't get it," he muttered, looking at James' hand in confusion. Sirius clapped Peter's shoulder with a chuckle. "That's because you're not as dirty-minded as James and Andrea here, Wormy," he laughed.

Peter pulled a face. "You all disgust me," he groaned, sliding down the bench for quite a few seats to sit with Lily and the other girls instead of his perverted friends.

"Give us a chance! We could show you a good time!" James called loudly after him, only to earn a finger from him over his shoulder.

"That was too much, even for me," Andrea grimaced. James turned to her while pumping his eyebrows suggestively. "I can show you a good time too, love."

Andrea went to reject his offer when she sensed a presence behind her. She turned in her seat and smiled up at Emma Vanity.

"Hey, Em," she greeted. Emma looked around at the group. "A little early in the morning for sexual offers isn't it?" she asked, her eyes landing on James. James just grinned back at her. "Never too early, Vanity. What's up? You here to steal some Quidditch tips?"

Emma bit the inside of her cheek, shaking her head slowly. "No, not Quidditch related." She sat down straddling the space next to Andrea on the bench, looking hesitantly between her and Sirius.

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