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17th of December, Saturday, 1977

(The Lion's Roar//First Aid Kit)

Andrea whipped her head up, finishing drying her hair with her wand when she heard the creak of the door into the changing rooms. 

"Who's there?" she called out, grabbing her hot wand again.

"Andie, you alone in there?"

Her whole body relaxed as she recognized James' voice. She double-checked the showers to make sure she was the last one there. "Yeah, I'm alone."

In the reflection of the mirror, she smiled to herself as James strutted in between the lockers, reaching her.

"Hey, love," he grinned. "Puffo," she nodded, finishing up with her mascara.

"You look great." She smiled warmly and met his eye in the mirror. "Thank you. So do you." At her compliment James confidently pulled on the fronts of his wool-lined denim jacket, showing off his outfit.

"You like? My awesome girlfriend got me these new sneakers for our anniversary," he said, lifting his foot and showing off his new red high tops.

Andrea grinned and turned to James, leaning her back against the sink behind her. "She sounds pretty awesome," she hummed back as he slowly walked closer.

"You ready?" he grinned.

"For what?" Andrea asked hesitantly.

James' smile grew as he grabbed her hand and pulled her off, ready for their anniversary date.

He had a whole day planned. 

After the disastrous date at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Room during Valentine's the year before, the couple stayed clear of that lovey-dovey café at all costs. 

What they did enjoy, was the Hog's Head.

It was a scrubby, old pub, but the barkeep never checked if the students were old enough for the alcohol they served.

So they spent a few hours in the pub, sharing a few drinks before they headed off for a romantic walk.

"Are we cheesy? Walking across the grounds for a moonlit walk?" Andrea questioned, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth playfully between them. James gave a tipsy grin at that, looking up at the almost full moon.

It would be full on the night of the 24th, so they were all ready for that to come soon. 

But for this night, they were just a normal teenage couple.

Andrea pulled to a stop, pulling James with her by his hand.

"Prongsy..." she sighed dreamily, looking at the picnic blanket he had laid out for them. "Happy anniversary," he murmured into her hair, kissing up her neck.

Andrea stood in front of him and wrapped his arms around herself from behind. "Ok, this is definitely cheesy. But I don't care, 'cause it's also romantic."

The two sat down together and Andrea took in their surroundings her smile growing even more. "This is the spot... That's the tree." James smiled proudly as she realized he had set up their date in the same place they had their first one.

The same place they had stopped the first time they changed into Animagi.

He smiled smugly at her, but his features quickly turned panicked when he saw the scowl taking over her features.

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