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Gulping in a large gasp of air Andrea shot awake, a migraine building behind her eyes already.

She went to reach at the throbbing pain at the back of her head but quickly realized her hands were unavailable. Because they were weighed down.

By ropes.

Tied to the armrests of a wooden chair.

"Sorry, hun. Looks like you're all tied up."

Andrea's head shot up in response, searching the darkness in front of her for any sign of the owner of the familiar voice.

Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness around her, the only light coming from a streetlamp glowing through a window high up in the room she was stuck, lighting up a square of the floor right in front of her. It looked like they were in a warehouse.

"Mrs Potter... You're a hard girl to get on her own."

Andrea's eyes narrowed as the light hit her red hair, shining brightly in the dark storage room.

"Corinna, long time no see," she sighed, dropping her head back in annoyance. "Not long enough if you ask me," Corinna hissed in disgust, circling Andrea's chair.

Andrea snorted. "That's at least one thing we can agree on. To what do I owe this displeasure?"

Corinna rushed her suddenly, crowding over her. "You don't get to be the bitchy one today. You have no right to have any resentment towards me."

Andrea's eyebrows shot up. She could think of quite a few good reasons why she deserved to have resentment towards Corinna Weasley, but it seemed she didn't see that herself.

"You took everything from me!" she spat, standing over Andrea. "Every downfall, every failure I look back on, the only common thread is you. You stole my friends, my house, my classmates, my life. And then you started stealing my family. You took everything for yourself and didn't give a shit about who you left out or who got forgotten behind."

Andrea stayed quiet. She learned it was best to let Corinna just keep on ranting, and she would spill her secrets very quickly.

"I had to leave Hogwarts, going back home to my parents like an embarrassment. I didn't even get to finish school because of you. Which made it that much harder to get a job."

"Not very enlightening to blame others for your own mistakes," Andrea tsked. Corinna's palm shot up, striking Andrea so hard across the face that her head snapped to the side with the action. Andrea slowly turned back, not up for joking anymore.

"But I did it, even with your actions making everything harder, I managed to make something of myself.     And now I've caught a member from the Order of the Phoenix. He's gonna be pleased with me," she sneered.

She stepped back again, standing in the square of light as she rolled up her cloak on her left arm, revealing a black tattoo on her left forearm. Andrea eyed it suspiciously.

Now she really seemed to be losing it.

While Corinna was in her own world, pointing her wand to the tattoo, Andrea diverted her concentration to the ties on her arms, focusing her powers on the ropes.

As she tried to do her magic, the throbbing in the back of her head grew and all she could see as a trace of magic was a few red sparks glitching on the ropes.

"I have her. I have Russo. In the storage warehouse off of Aldgate and Leman. We've finally got her. Come and see."

Andrea's head shot up at that, studying Corinna closer. She was wearing long, black robes and her face seemed much thinner than back at Hogwarts. Her cheekbones were much more chiselled and the bags under her eyes made her look ten years older. Narrowing her eyes, she saw something glisten on the inside pocket of her robes. It looked like...

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