
830 28 2

6th of July, Sunday, 1980

(Don't Get Me Wrong//Lewis Capaldi)

"It's important to stick together, you know. If they see us as a weak target, they'll tear us apart. We need to represent a united front."

Sirius snorted loudly.

The room fell silent with an awkward tension as Remus turned slowly to shoot Sirius a glare.

Andrea could see the clear annoyance on Remus' face. She turned to Lily with an apologetic look. This was probably not the best time for a new person to come to a meeting.

Doesn't set a very good first impression.

"Something funny, Black?" he snapped, the statement loaded with a challenge.

And Sirius Black was not one to stand down from a challenge.

"I think that's rich, coming from you. And that makes me think that everything you just said is a bunch of bull," he shrugged, not even sparing Remus a glance.

Unfortunately, to everyone else present, Remus wasn't going to back down with that many witnesses either. So it was a good thing McGonagall called the meeting finished as the first curse word flew out.

Andrea, James, Lily and Dorcas stayed in the kitchen as the fighting continued in the adjoining dining room.

Andrea sighed tiredly as James rubbed her shoulders, trying to help her relieve some tension. "This has got to stop," she groaned.

James rested his chin on top of her head and pulled her all the way back on the barstool she was sitting on in front of him.

"I know... I tried to grab them for a chat before the meeting but -"

James was cut off by the front door slamming shut, followed by Remus storming through the kitchen and slamming open the backdoor onto the back veranda.

James let out a heavy sigh as he kissed Andrea's head. "I'm gonna go check if he's OK and help him cool down. Can someone see if Remus is good?"

Andrea went to get up but James pushed her back down. "Someone else, Bambi," he smiled gently. Dorcas quickly got up. "I'll go see if I can find him. I think they just need to cool off before they see reason."

They both headed off and Andrea scoffed loudly as Dorcas left. "Funny how she can see when someone else is being unreasonable but not herself."

Lily furrowed her brows as she sipped her tea. "How'd you mean?" she asked.

Andrea heaved a sigh. "You've been out of the loop for too long Evans. Buckle in."

As the two sat in the kitchen, catching up on everything that had been going on, the sun quickly set and the others had still not come back.

Andrea hugged Lily as tightly as she could with her big stomach coming in the way between them. "I'm glad you came, Lily. It feels good having more of us together as much as possible."

Lily rubbed her back before releasing the hug. "I know, I'm sorry I've been missing so much. I promise I'll do more of an effort to see you guys. And write me as soon as that baby pops so I can meet it," she grinned.

Andrea smiled brightly, rubbing her belly. "Give Reggie my best," she smirked suddenly.

Lily froze with her hand on the handle, eyes wide. Andrea rolled hers. "Oh please, you didn't really think you guys were hiding it from us did you?" she chuckled.

Lily's face turned red, her blush spreading to her ears and down her neck. "Oh... I'll tell him you said hi," she said quietly. It seemed she clammed up a bit more and Andrea told herself to grill her more about it next time.

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